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Z drugs like ambien should not be taken with a benzodiazepine as it can greatly increase sedation which can lead to side effects as dramatic as death due to upper-respitory failure (being unable to breath).

There is really no need to take the two together, if the ambien you are being prescribed isn't getting you to sleep then consult your phsyician about increasing your dosages.

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Let a registered pharmacist or a physician do the drug mixing. There are too many bright young interesting people who die when they take drugs.

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Q: Is it safe to mix 12mg of ambien cr with 1.5 mg of Ativan?
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Is it safe to mix ambien cr 12 5mg ativan and Klonopin How much is too much?

I asked my doc the same question today. I'm NOT sure about klonopin, I don't take that drug. My doctor said that taking ambien (zolpidem) together with ativan (lorazepam) is safe, since it functions on different receptors in the brain. So there shouldn't be a synnergic effect.

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A person should not mix Ativan and Xanax. This is because the two drugs work with the body in the same way and could cause an overdose.

Can you combine ambien and guaifenesin?

Yes, there isn't a problem with mixing these at all. The only thing you shouldn't mix with ambien is alcohol.

What happens when you mix Ativan with wine?

I have taken 5 glasses of wine and 1mg Ativan before going to sleep...I slept like a baby! The problem is if you increase the Ativan dose, I read it can be lethal!

Can you mix Ativan with meths?

That seems like a really dangerous combination. Really.

Can you mix Dilaudid and Ativan for iv injection?

You most certainly can if you are waiting to meet your maker.

Can you take Lexapro and Ativan at the same time?

Yes. It is perfectly safe to take both Paxil (Paroxitine) and Ativan (Lorezapam) at the same time. i was prescribed both these meds for my anxiety and depression and have been taking them for 6 months.. they work great for GAD :)

Can you mix Haldol and Ativan in the same syringe for injection?

Yes. You can mix haldol and ativan for an IM injection. It's done frequently done in situations of frank psychoses, like in an ER or psychiatric facility and can be referred to as "halivan." The effect is quite potent and the drugs should only be given by medical personnel with the proper credentials in a location where the patient can have proper monitoring.