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Well if you are 38 weeks and can not feel anything you should NOT try to induce labor. Your baby will come when she is ready,Castrol oil is ONLY used when you are IN LABOR to help make the birth more quick and less painfull. 38 weeks is still two weeks away from your due date, She may be late. My first was 7 days late, even with contractions and lost plug. They tell you to have sex just before to bring on more contractions but ONLY if your not diolated yet. Also if you are diolated don't get into a bath could bring infection. Hope I could help

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Q: Is it safe to try to start labor naturally at 38 weeks?
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Im not sure but when I had my daughter I took caster oil on my due date and ate spciy food and drank a glass of red wine and walked a lot and went into labor that night. I did everything others had told me to do to induce labor instead of just one of them. I would wait till 38 wks for sure to start trying.

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A baby can survive outside the womb at 24 weeks (hospital staff consider it viable then, if it is before 24 weeks they will do nothing for your baby). The longer the baby stays in the womb the better it is for the baby, and the healthier the baby will be when it is born, generally any time after 36 weeks is considered full term & it is more than safe to deliver the baby. I am a Doula and have provided induction services, tips & techniques to many women to help them go into labor.....please contact me directly if you would like a list of things you can do to hopefully send yourself into labor, naturally (I would avoid drugs like Pitocin at all costs):

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Yes and you should if you want to avoid involvement with CPS......Rescue 5 day permanent detox works and is safe for you and the baby but only use if you are 36 weeks or further because it starts the process of inducing labor however it will not cause you to go into labor spontaniously so dont worry

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it could be implantation but you can call your doctor to be on the safe side. good luck!

What can speed the labor process when in ealry labor at 36 weeks 3cm and 70 effaced?

If you are looking for safe and effective, painless way to induce labor at home then maternity acupressure may be for you. Check out this website, I bought the book, only $29 and it worked great, well worth the cost of the book. I was 41 weeks along, the best part it actually helped reduce the pain of labor and it was well worth the cost of the book to finally meet my beautiful baby boy. I would suggest that you check with your OB/GYN before trying to induce labor at only 39 weeks though.

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I think it can

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Factory working conditions were not safe.

Is it safe to give labor in a bathtub?

if you know what your doing