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Baboons belong to a part of the primate family called "Old World Monkeys" and Chimpanzees belong to a part called "Hominidae" (or the Great Apes). Both Hominindae and Old World Monkeys share a common ancestor, but after that the families branch off and continue on separate evolutionary paths. Baboons and Chimpanzees are very distant relatives, and neither one evolved from the other.

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No, they evolved as all all humans did, from Homo Erectus to Homo Sapiens.

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11y ago

They are both primates so if you go far enough back in time they would have a common ancestor. Baboons are monkeys and gorillas are apes, so the two branches of these primates split long ago.

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Q: Do gorillas and baboons evolve from a common ancestor?
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No. Both groups evolved from a common ancestor, which was neither a chimp nor a human.

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Yes, that's correct. Humans and chimpanzees share a common ancestor that lived several million years ago. While humans and chimpanzees have diverged along separate evolutionary paths since then, they still share a significant amount of genetic material due to their common ancestry.

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Men and monkeys are concurrent organisms that had a common ancestor. Men did not evolve FROM monkeys so there's nothing in between. If the question is "which living animal is more closely related evolutionarily to humans than monkeys" then the great apes (gorillas, orangutans and chimpanzees) would qualify.

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Evolutionary theory can account for the phenomenon of a new species. This is because different species can evolve from a common ancestor.

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yes all animals evolved from a "common ancestor" and are still evolvingrelationships between all animals are summarised in "trees of life" that propose possible scenaris of evolution according to available scientific datas.You can visualise on them when divergence occured between animals from a common ancestor

Are monkeys related to humans?

Yes, we both evolved from a common ancestor (which no longer exists).

If evolution is true then why there is no species excisting in between chimpansie and human?

Humans did not evolve from chimpanzees, rather both humans and chimpanzees share a common ancestor. A division happened with this common ancestor....some went on to become chimpanzees and some went on to become modern humans. There are common ancestors to both humans and chimps, but they are long extinct.