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No, it is the other way round.

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Q: Is it true that in a cool body particles tend to move faster tgan in a hotter body?
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Why does blowing on soup make it cool off faster?

The steam you see coming off a hot bowl of soup are the hotter, faster moving particles evaporating into the air, leaving slower-moving, cool particles behind. But these evaporated particles form a little cloud of vapor above the soup, which prevents the other hot particles from evaporating. When you blow on your soup, you blow away the vapor. This allows more of the faster moving particles to evaporate.

Evaporation is slower in cool air?

yes the hotter the air the faster it is

Think of a metal spoon in a pot of hot water. How do the particles of the water affect the particles of the spoon?

Conduction is what transfers the heat in this process. The fast moving particles in the hot electric coil collide with the slow-moving particles in the cool pot. The transfer of the heat causes the pot's particles to move faster. Then the pot's particles collide with the water's particles, which in turn collide with the particles of the spoon. As the particles move faster, the metal spoon becomes hotter.

Why are the hot gas particles moving faster than cool gas particles?

Because hot gas particles have greater kinetic energy than cold gas particles

Why do hot gas particles move faster than the cool gas particles?

icles move faster as they have now become lighter.

Can thermal energy be cool when its hot?

Yes. But a cooler body has less energy than a hotter object

When exercising does wiping off sweat help cool the body?

NO, Sweat evaporates off the skin helping to cool you down, wiping it off will make you hotter.

How does climate causes soil formation?

The hotter and more humid a climate, the faster and more completely big rocks are broken into smaller rocks, then into pebbles, then into tiny particles that make up the loose stuff we call soil. If a climate is cool and dry, this "weathering" process proceeds very slowly.

Does a wet animal cool faster than a dry animal?

Yes. A wet animal will cool faster than a dry animal. The evaporation of the water removes heat from the body and cools it.

Will large particles cool water quicker than small particles?

If you have a handful of cold particles, and you want to toss them into a glassof water in order to cool it, then it'll happen faster if the particles are small.That way, there is more cold surface area in contact with the water toconduct heat out of it, and all of this is the main reason why the bartenderuses crushed ice in most drinks.

What is the connection between kinetic energy and the movement of particles in a substance?

The link is that the particles never completely stop and the particles maintains this kinetic energy unless its speed changes I.E. heating or cooling. when you add heat the particles move faster and when you cool they move slower.

Why are hot gas particles moving faster than cool gas particles?

High temperatures weaken the magnetic fields that keep atoms bound together. The weaker the field, the more freely the atoms move around. Therefore, free particles and atoms at higher temperatures move faster than bound ones.