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Q: Is it true that lemons are not naturally occurring fruits and that they are a hybrid of limes and oranges?
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It isn't classified as a species because it is a hybrid of two other species and is not naturally occurring.

Why can't a zedonk be classified as a species?

it is not classified as a species because it is hybrid of two other species and is also not naturally occurring.

Did viruses originate naturally or are they a hybrid?

Both. Viruses are naturally occurring organisms that have been around "forever". They have the ability to mutate or change themselves into new shapes and types sometimes using genetic material from more than one kind of virus, which would make them naturally occurring hybrids. They were not man-made.

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Hybrid promoter is derived from the naturally available promoters and has specific functionality.

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No vegetable are hybrids. Only fruits. No vegetable are hybrids. Only fruits.

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Is a blood orange a grapefruit?

No. Blood Oranges taste like oranges, but have red pulp and juice. Grapefruit can have pale, pink, or red pulp, but are generally less sweet and more bitter than oranges are.It's a little complicated because citrus fruit in general are almost all hybrids. There are usually considered to be about four ur-citrus species, all of which can hybridize with the others (and then the hybrids can hybridize with the original species or with other hybrids ... it's messy).Grapefruits are a hybrid between Citrus maxima (pomelo) and Citrus x sinensis (sweet orange). Sweet oranges themselves are probably a hybrid of Citrus maxima and Citrus reticulata (mandarin oranges). The blood orange is a particular cultivar of the sweet orange.

Which two fruits make up the hybrid fruit called Pluto?

Plum and a apricot

Is hybrid fruits good for health?

Hybrid does not always mean good. It is good of its been produced using scientifically approved technology. Best thing is to check the source.

Who has patent rights for turmeric?

Turmeric exists naturally; only hybrid plants can be awarded patents.

Why is the liger important?

The liger has no importance to the environment. Ligers are not a naturally occurring hybrid animal, only being bred in captivity. If a liger would escape into the wild, it would have little impact due to a lack of survival skills, due to being bred in captivity, and could not breed, due to sterility.

What are tangelos?

The tangelo is a citrus fruit that is a hybrid of a tangerine and either a pomelo or a grapefruit. It may have originated in Southeast Asia over 3,500 years ago[citation needed]. The fruits are the size of an adult fist and have a tangerine taste, but are very juicy, to the point of not providing much flesh but producing excellent and plentiful juice. Tangelos generally have loose skin and are easier to peel than oranges. They are easily distinguished from oranges by a characteristic nipple at the top of the fruit. Edgar dsouza