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Only if you value your spouse and your marriage.

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Q: Is it worth going to a marriage seminar to save your marriage?
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When husband is very frosted with wife's behavior what she should do for save her marriage?

communication should be your first step, find out what's wrong. From there, you and he are going to have to come up with something together that can save the marriage. Best of luck

What is the duration of One Week to Save Your Marriage?

The duration of One Week to Save Your Marriage is 1500.0 seconds.

When did One Week to Save Your Marriage end?

One Week to Save Your Marriage ended on 2007-06-27.

When was One Week to Save Your Marriage created?

One Week to Save Your Marriage was created on 2006-08-07.

What are Jon and Kate going to do to save their marriage?

Evidently nothing. They filed for divorce on June 22nd 2009, and the divorce was finalized later that year.

What is the best way to handle infidelity in marriage if you want to save the marriage?

The best way to handle infidelity in marriage, if you want to save the marriage, is to seek counseling. If you want to make it work, this is an important step.

What would you do if your spouse betrayed your trust would you fix your marriage or go for divorce?

If this was the first time the spouse cheated and they are remorseful and want to stay in the marriage then yes, it is worth trying to save the marriage by seeing a marriage counselor who is not there to blame either spouse, but to give them the tools to strengthen their marriage. If the spouse continually cheats then it is best to get a divorce.

Is it possible to save your marriage by yourself?


Who sang the song Save My Marriage?

There isn't a song called exactly Save My Marriage. However, there is a song called How God Saved My Marriage and it was written by a lady named Brenda McGilloway.

How could one save a marriage as a man?

Depending on the relationship, a man can try and save his marriage by acting compassionately. A man can try and romance his wife to try and make things work by putting the spark in their marriage. Showing interest in their spouse can also help a man save a rocky marriage.

You cant save money and it get your boyfriend down?

You can let him handle your money or you can go to a financial seminar. If you have other ideas, use them too.

After your spouse affair is there any help to save your marriage?

When a spouse has had an affair and broken that bond of trust it is difficult to earn back. Going to marriage counseling may help the situation and explain to the spouse that marriage counseling is not about blaming one of the spouses, but giving them tools to learn to communicate in their marriage and know how to rectify any future problems in their marriage. Many couples may have experienced one spouse having an affair and it is not uncommon for both couples to have an affair, but, they do manage to save their marriage. It is entirely up to the couple.