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Physical changes are like water turning into ice, they can be reversed. Chemical changes form a new substance. Soured milk can not be reversed, so it is chemical.

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8y ago
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3mo ago

The process of milk rotting is a chemical reaction. It involves the breakdown of complex organic molecules in the milk by microorganisms, leading to the formation of new compounds that give off unpleasant odors and flavors.

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1y ago

Drinkable milk which turns sour is a chemical reaction. The lactose in milk oxidises to form lactic acid, which is the sour taste.

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14y ago

bio-chemical reaction

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11y ago

It is a chemical change.

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8y ago

Milk going "bad" is a chemical change.

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Is souring a milk a chemical reaction?

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Cereal and milk is a physical mixture, not a chemical one. When you pour cereal into milk, it doesn't create a new substance through a chemical reaction. The components of cereal and milk retain their individual properties.

Milk goes sour a physical or chemical change?

It is a chemical change because there is a chemical reaction occurring that is rotting the milk. An example of a physical change would be if the milk was evaporated or frozen.

If milk and vinegar is mixed is it a physical or chemical change?

its a chemical change because you cannot reverse the process and just have milk and vinegar separate

Is milk sours a example of physical change?

No, milk souring is an example of a chemical change. When milk sours, bacteria ferment the lactose in the milk, producing lactic acid, which changes the composition and properties of the milk. This is a chemical reaction, not a physical change.

Do milk and vinegar create a chemical reaction?

Yes, when milk is mixed with vinegar, a chemical reaction occurs which causes the milk to curdle and separate into curds (solid) and whey (liquid). This reaction is due to the acid in the vinegar causing the milk proteins to coagulate and form curds.

If you add hot coffee to cold milk is that a chemical or physical change?

Mixing hot coffee with cold milk is a physical change because the molecules of both substances do not undergo a chemical reaction. The temperature change occurs due to heat transfer from the coffee to the milk, but the chemical composition of the coffee and milk remains the same.

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Chocolate milk is a mixture because it is made by combining chocolate syrup or powder with milk. The ingredients do not undergo a chemical reaction to create chocolate milk.

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Dissolving chocolate syrup in milk is a physical change because it does not alter the molecular structure of the substances involved. The chocolate syrup particles mix with the milk, but they do not undergo a chemical reaction to create new substances.

Is milk thickening a chemical or physical change?

Milk thickening is generally considered to be a physical change because it involves a change in the physical state of the milk without altering its chemical composition. Heating milk causes the proteins to denature and form a network that traps water molecules, resulting in a thicker consistency.

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Is adding milk to coffee a chemical reaction?

yes, its a chemical reaction between the acid in the redbull and the casiene in the milk which causes the fluffiness when the casiene seperates from the milk due to the acid.