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You should discuss that issue with your doctor. We would think not, but considering that esophageal varices are potentially fatal, we wouldn't take any chances at all.

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Q: Is odouls non alcoholic beverage harmful to esophogeaL VARICES?
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I am not sure IF it is less harmful, but usually, what makes alcoholic beverages harmful is their alcohol contents, so a beverage that has less alcohol will be less harmful - unless you compensate and drink a larger amount of it.

Is drinking vodka is harmful for men?

yes. like any alcoholic beverage, vodka can ruin your liver and damage the end of the brain's neurons.

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positivly beer is harmfull for it must be bad for cats.Answer:Any alcoholic beverage is extremely harmful to cats. Do not give beer to your cat. It could result in fatal alcohol poisoning.

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Any alcoholic beverage is harmful if (1) you drink it to excess, especially over a long period of time; or (2) if you drink and then operate a vehicle or other dangerous machine. This would apply to bourbon, Scotch, rum, or whatever.

Which is better for health rum or whiskey?

All alcoholic beverages have the same capability of causing intoxication, addiction, sclerosis of the liver, delirium, and so forth. The harm that they do is mainly related to the quantity that is consumed. Rum, if it is consumed in moderation, is not more harmful than any other alcoholic beverage that is consumed in moderation.

Which is more harmful rum or whiskey?

Unless they're of different alcoholic strength they're equally bad.

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That would require a medical opinion. You should discuss it with a neurologist.

Was Tchaikovsky an addict or alcoholic?

Tchaikovsky wrote in his diary, "It is said that to abuse one's self with alcohol is harmful. I readily agree to that. But nevertheless I, a sick person, full of neuroses, absolutely cannot do without the alcoholic poison." Draw your own conclusions.

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Actually drug is a substance used a medicine. Medicines are prescribed by the Doctors for panacea of diseases. However overdose of medicine may be harmful to health. Homeopath medicines have no side effect and are not harmful at all. There are some syrups which have alcoholic contents, which are used by addicts for intoxication. On the above pretext, all the drugs are not harmful.

Is there such a thing as a social alcoholic?

Sure. They're the ones under the lamp shades.Seriously, alcoholism has nothing to do with where or how you drink. When you need alcohol to function normally (or what sort of passes for normally) you're an alcoholic, regardless of the details. It's just another addiction to an especially harmful drug.

Should you smoke marijuana during pregnancy?

It is harmful to smoke anything, or imbibe in alcoholic beverages while pregnant. All that stuff enters your bloodstream - it is from that very bloodstream that your baby in the womb survives upon ... you are feeding your unborn baby harmful chemicals ... stop before it's too late.

Is there any harm in drinking alcoholic beverages while taking methadone 10mg tablets three times a day?

yes methadone builds up in the liver and can be very harmful when taken with alcohol.