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It would be okay to take these drugs together if your doctor prescribed them all together. Many of these medications increase the side effects of one another, so it is important that your doctors are aware of all that you are taking and that you are monitored on a regular basis while taking this combination.

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Q: Is ok to take seroquel Cymbalta vicodin soma singular everyday?
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Which medicine is stronger vicodin or seroquel?

Vicodin and Seroquel are both extremely strong, addictive medicines. Other than for treating depression, their usage is very different and difficult to compare.

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Can Xanax and vicodin be mixed?

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Can you take hydrocodone and Cymbalta together and is Cymbalta addictive?

Yes and yes. You can take hydrocodone (vicodin) and cymbalta together. Also, each of them, taken alone or combined on a regular basis, cause physical addiction, so stopping either or both will result in withdrawal symptoms. WARNING/PLEASE NOTE: Just because it's okay to take vicodin and cymbalta together doesn't mean it is okay to take any and all opiates with cymbalta. For example, you can NOT take tramadol (ultram) and cymbalta together. tramadol is not an opiate its opiod like- very different. and they can be taken together at low dosage ranges under MD supervision. Its not recommended however. the top paragraph is correct cymbalta is not a controlled substance (other than being prescription) and does not carry the potential for abuse in the vast majority of people

I have been prescribed vicodin ambien and Cymbalta is it all right to mix these three and what are the consequences if you take to much on accident?

The Vicodin is the nasty part; too much of that can kill. If your doctor has prescribed these medications, then it's OK to take them as prescribed.

Can you take seroquel with Klonopin?

im about to find out.... im prescribed both to take and never have.. well k ye ai have but didnt do much... im about to have weed, seroquel and vicodin and see how that turns out.. wish me luck :) Hello, if your prescribed seroquel and klonapin for bipolar disorders or mania, schizophrenia etc, you can take the 2 medications.. Im schizophrenic and take seroquel and clonazapam...AKA Klonapin.. clonazapam is just the generic form of it..Also while your on these 2 medications. DO Not Drink ALchohol....ive ended up in the hospital 2-3 times because of overdose because alchohol Intensifies the medications. I had to learn the hard way..anyways hope this helps.

What is stronger blue vicodin or the yellow vicodin?

is blue vicodin stronger than the white vicodin hp

Is Vicodin the same as Hydrocodone?

The opioid analgesic ingredient in Vicodin is Hydrocodone. Vicodin is a brand name of a medication containing both hydrocodone and acetaminophen. Hydrocodone is an ingredient in Vicodin which is a "trademarked" name. Vicodin has Hydrocodone in it. Vicodin is a combination of Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen so no Hydrocodone is only one of the two drugs that is in Vicodin.

Which better Vicodin or norco?

vicodin definitely

Can you melt Vicodin down to liquid?

Can you melt Vicodin

Is Demerol the same as vicodin?

No. Vicodin isn't as dangerous.

Is Vicodin stronger then Roxie's?

no. vicodin is hydrocodone where as a roxie is oxycodone. which is a bit more on the strong side than a vicodin.