


Marketed by AztraZeneca, Seroquel (quetiapine) is an antipsychotic drug. It is approved for the treatment of schizophrenia in adults and children who are at least 13 years of age. Seroquel is also used to treat bipolar disorder.

579 Questions

What is three fourth teaspoons?

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Use a half teaspoon measure once, fill it to rounded and using a knife or metal spatula level the baking powder off. Place this into your recipe and repeat the procedure using a one-quarter teaspoon measure. You may also use your 1/4 tsp three times. You can purchase a set of graduated measuring spoons from most kitchen "gadget" shops or in the grocery store.

Do NOT use a teaspoon from your regular flatware set. Always level off the ingredients for a correct measure and to avoid problems with your recipe.

Can you take seroquel?

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I can't say whether or not you should take it because I am not a doctor. But I lost my health insurance and I have been taking expired Seroquel for months and I am doing fine. My roommate's father was a doctor and she said the strength wears off so you may need to increase your dosage but so far I have kept my dosage the same and am doing just fine.

Can a seroquel 50 get you high?

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In a word, yes. If your teenager got a hold of it from your medicine cabinet, just think back to how it felt when you first took it, and that will answer your question. However, if they got it from someone else, you don't know what it feels like, so here you go: you feel very very sleepy. You feel dizzy and like your limbs are very heavy. Pretty much like you are drunk, but not when you are first drunk and energetic, drunk like at the end of the night and you just want to be in bed. And that is what it makes you want to do- sleep. This is not the worst thing if your teen is doing it in the safety of you home, but very dangerous if they are driving or mixing other drugs or alcohol with it.

I think you need to have a talk with your teenager. Maybe they really are having trouble sleeping. Maybe they are just experimenting. Maybe they are in some sort of emotional pain and they are self-medicating. Whatever it is, I would talk to them, and find a therapist that they can talk to, because they might feel more comfortable talking to someone other than you. Also, there is always family therapy. Good luck!

What if I accidentally took Seroquel?

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How much did you take? It will probably make you pretty drowsy. If your breathing is too slow you need to go to the hospital.

What cold medicine can i take while on lithium and seroquel?

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Ask your Dr. or a pharmacist, many of the meds for a cold combined with the meds that you are on cause high blood pressure

Can you take seroquel with drixoral plus NyQuil?

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Both are very sedating, and Nyquil contains a significant amount of alcohol, which is highly not good in combination with Seroquel.

Are depakote and seroquel used to treat the same thing?

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No, Depakote is an anti-seizure medicine, and cyclobenzaprine is a muscle relaxant.

Is Seroquel a pain reliever?

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SeroquelNot specifically. Seroquel is a class of drug known as Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or (SSRIs) and are a class of antidepressants used in the treatment of schizophrenia, depression, anxiety and bipolar disorders as well as some other personality disorders.

However, it's "off label" use in application to chronic pain is sometimes applied for its' affect on mood, depression and insomnia.

--Seroquel is NOT a Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor. It is an atypical antipsychotic that has many modes of therapeutic action including antagonism at serotonin, noradrenaline, and dopamine receptor sites. Its FDA approved uses include Schizophrena, Bipolar I Mania, Bipolar Depression, and maintenance of Bipolar I as adjunct therapy to depakote or lithium. It is NOT approved for unipolar depression or personality disorders, however many doctors use the drug off-label for a range of disorders including insomnia, anxiety, unipolar depression, PTSD, psychoses, etc.

There is no record or any studies complete on the efficiency of Seroquel on pain receptors. Doctors do not use Seroquel "off label" for pain. Seroquel is a VERY serious medication. There are many drugs that can be used for pain including Serotonin Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors such as Effexor and Cymbalta as well as anti-convulsants such as Lyrica and Neurontin.

Look up Seroquel on or talk to your local pharmacist or health professional about the uses of Seroquel.

--------Answerer #2 hit the nail on the head and Answerer #1 is dead wrong and should be disregarded as garbage. As a note to that the most common use of seroquel that I've seen is as a sedative antipsychotic. The main noticeable effect of this drug is that it makes you tired and clears thoughts from your head, which is useful in making people who have racing thoughts due to a manic phase in bipolar disorder or a person who has panic attacks or has thoughts of nervousness or flashbacks that are preventing sleep. The second answerer is right...this is a very strong drug and I've never seen it used to just control pain symptoms or even sedate people who are in pain. Just to restate this is not an SSRI, it's an antipsychotic and a rather strong one.

How many 50mg tablets of seroquel to kill a 160 pound woman?

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I hope you aren't suicidal. I personally overdosed on seroquel. Obviously I survived, but on record it says I had swallowed about 75 of them and then had a heart attack, went into a 24-hour coma, woke up in a medical hospital and then when I was somewhat recovered physically I was sent straight into a mental hopsital. Not fun at all, to this day I have heart problems and this event happened about 7 years ago. Be smart and if you are suicidal just go straight to a psychiactric hopital or psychiatrist. Remember to the world you might be one person but to one person you might be the world.

I also tried to kill myself on Seroquel. I am 110 Ibs. I took 12,000 mg. My heart felt like it was going to explode and I went into convulsions. I don't know what you've heard, but THIS IS NOT A PEACEFUL WAY TO DIE. It's a very uncompfortable/painful/terrifying way to attempt suicide. Then you end up in the nuthouse after you are stablized. So there you have it...What REALLY happens.

Will you fail a drug test if you take seroquel without a prescription?

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If you are referring to a drug test? No. Seroquel is an atypical antipsychotic, and currently has no abuse recognition (However, some evidence may suggest that seroquel may be abused recreationally). But drug tests will not test for it.

Can you drive while taking seroquel?

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yes you can drive and do your daily activities.(if there are no side effects present eg , tiredness foggy etc.) give it time to work at least 3 weeks.then either drive or see your doctor for a med change.. always allow strong meds (psychotropics)aka: MAJOR TRANQUILIZERS. TO TAKE EFFECT. THEN MAKE A CONCIOUS CHOICE. FYI: these meds are, even though prescribed. potential for prosecution THEY are in the same cadagory as alcohol as far as a DUI law is concerned. (PRECRIBED OR NOT, our laws need to change) I don't know if you are on abilify or what ever. IF so you KNOW the answer already.& if not make a concious & now educated choice.

Can you take soma zanex and seroquel together?

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I don't know how safe it is, but I have been taking Xanax, Seroquel and Cymbalta (or Effexor XR before the Cymbalta) for about 1 1/2 years now. I take them together at night to sleep and it works well.

What will happen if you take a seroquel after doing meth?

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Meth can cause heart problems. Overdose on seroquel can cause rapid heartbeat. If you take enough to fall asleep you could end up getting a stuffy nose and having breathing problems and may want someone to watch over you to make sure you don't stop breathing and die. But if it doesn't make you sleep it could just go to an annoying back and forth- you sit up and get tired then lay down and get restless leg syndrom hardcore. My boyfriend is currently delusional having conversations with people as if he;s in a vivid dream then waking up and acting drunk and happy. Im considering giving him more but love him too much to risk it I gave him 300mg. And now he's on house arrest.

How much adderall should you take with 100mg of seroquel?

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It totally depends on what you are taking it for. 100 mg of seroquel will knock you out if you aren't extremely used to it. The doses of both seroquel and adderall change based on how much you have done in the past, plus what your underlying disorder is. If this is for medical purposes, consult your doctor. If this is for recreational purposes, don't take any more adderall than you would take w/o the seroquel... the seroquel will obviously mitigate some of the effects (as adderall causes more dopamine to be released and seroquel, among other things, antagonizes the d2 receptor).

I currently take 25 mg of seroquel at night and 15 mg of adderall xr in the morning, and the combination is fantastic. But take that with a grain of salt, b/c everyone's physiology is different. In that respect, this question is kind of like "how many lines of coke should you snort with 6 beers?" It can't be answered without a lot more information.

Seroquel mainly antagonizes the d2 receptor of the brain. ADHD which adderall treats mainly has threaputic affects through the d4 receptor which seroquel has minimal affinity. Your seroquel shouldn't affect the effects of adderall so your normal dose should do fine maybe a 5 mg increase might help if you're taking a particularly high dose of seroquel

Can you die from mixing seroquel and alcohol?

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I'm still alive... so that's a no

Can you take Lortab with seroquel?

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I know an older lady who is actually prescribed 40mg x 3 plus 200mg of Seroquel, but I would NOT recommend doing this. She has been taking these medications for years, and unless your doctor gives the okay, do NOT mix these. Seroquel will knock you on your ass, and not in a good way.

What are the effects of Lexapro on a fetus?

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There are a long list of Zoloft side effects that have been discovered over the past few years. Most common are the one's associated with birth defects. These are cleft lip, pulmonary lung, neural-tube defects, club foot, ventricular septal defect, anal atresia, persistent pulmonary hypertension and infant omphalocele.

What happens if you take seroquel and Zoloft overdose?

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Get yourself to the hospital.

Right away.

In my worse-off days, I overdosed on both of these medications. Upon arriving at the hospital they rushed me into trauma to monitor my blood pressure as it was dangerously low. I ended up needing to stay overnight hooked up to an IV of (...something I can't remember, the night was a bit of a blur) for the entire night.

I could have died if I had waited.



Is seroquel a diazepam or does it have that in it?

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I have taken up 2 200 mg of seroquel and about 80mg of diazepam yeah i slept well but i think seroquel kinda of kills some of the diaz high. I occasionally take diazepam at about 50mg to 100 mg at a time w/ seroquel 100-200 mg i have a had hard time getting motivated when i get up 2 go to work but a few hours later im fine I DO NOT recommend anyone do this w/ out your dr.s ok I have type 1 diabetes and high blood pressure and thyroid disease and it doesnt phase me as hard as i thoght it would im almost 30 and have used and researched all drugs and i don't find seroquel and diazepam a "lethal" or deadly mixture just start at low doses of both and be sure u aren't allergic to either drug and ask doctor about your other(if any) health problems u may have and other meds U could either have a wonderful hi or end up in the icu the answer to the mix ? all depends on your tolerance health problems and medictions and body chemistry

Does seroquel help with depression?

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I cannot answer for everyone, but it helps with my depression. I was diagnosed with severe clinical depression. In an effort to avoid hospitalization, I was prescribed Effexor XR for the depression and Lunesta for the related insomnia. After two days the Lunesta did not work and the antidepressant was not helping either. My psychiatrist increased the Effexor and put me on Seroquel (as a "mood stablizer"), it has been the perfect conbination. I currently take 225mg of Effexor XR & 300mg of Seroquel.

1200mg seroquel did some heroin and drank could you die?

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Anytime you use heroin you run the risk of overdose. Mixing that with other drugs is a very unswise idea.

Can seroquel 100 mg be cut in half?

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Does seroquel affect fertility?

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There is scientific evidence which shows that seroquel increases fertility.. It increases the conception time more than it would normally be.