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Q: Is political economy primarily a normative or positive mode of intellectual enquiry?
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Why does the distinction between positive and normative statement matter for economics?

A positive normative is one which can be examined by referring to facts i.e 80% of your microeconomics class is made up of females. while a normative statement cannot be tested by examining facts it is an opinion or value judgement.

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Normative theory is used to advise what methods should be used for accounting. Positive accounting theory explains and predicts accounting as it is currently happening.

What is the difference between positive and normative economics?

Positive economics is the branch of economics that concerns the description and explanation of economic phenomena. Normative economics is the study of economics that attempts to determine the desirability of different economic conditions.

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What is the positive and normative analysis in economics?

A positive analysis is a statement of what is. The truth. Purely descriptive statements or scientific predictions.A normative analysis is a statement of what ought to be. Analysis involving value judgments.

What the difference between positive economics and normative economics?

Positive Economics is the branch of economics that concerns the description and explanation of economic phenomena. Normative economics is the study of economics that attempts to determine the desirability of different economic conditions.