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Yes, polygamy is still practiced in the United States by some groups of people, but not with legal consent.

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Q: Is polygamy still practiced in the US?
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Related questions

Who practices polygamy?

Polygamy is practiced by many different groups worldwide. It is a common cultural practice in many parts of Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Many Muslims and some Christians practice polygamy as a part of their religion. Polygamy is illegal in the US and most western countries, but many still practice it in secret.

What class practices polygamy?

Polygamy may be practiced by all classes where it is legal.

Is polygamy practiced in Guyana So America?

No it is not

Why did brigham young do polygamy?

Brigham Young practiced polygamy because he believed that God had commanded him to do so.

Is polygamy a situation where the man makes a unilateral choice for mate selection?

Polygamy means having more than 1 spouse. It may mean 2 men married to one woman, more than 1 woman married to same man, etc. And while not legal in the US, polygamy is still practiced in some other countries.

Is there still polygamy in the world?

Yes, there is still polygamy in the world.

Where is polygamy legal in the US?

no where in the US is it legal to practice polygamy

Is the law against Polygamy constitutional?

The U.S. Constitution does not restrict the practice of polygamy. However, it does not explicitly or implicitly protect that right, which allows state and national legislatures to restrict it.--Polygamy is not mentioned in the constitution or in any of its amendments; the only prominent sect in the US that practiced polygamy (the Latter Day Saints) was established decades after the constitution was ratified. Polygamy is, however, against federal law.

What did the Native Americans think of polygamy in 1840-1895?

White settlers in the US came from Christian European countries where polygamy was illegal and considered immoral. Polygamy is frowned upon by most Christians, and it is not practiced in any free democratic country.

Is polygamy in SC NC or GA?

There is no legal polygamy in any US state. Polygamists today don't get civil marriage licenses for any but their first spouse. This means it is practiced outside the law and there are no firm statistics for how common it really is.

Do voters and Christians know that when Mormonism began they practiced polygamy and that God is a Polygamist?

There are several problems with this question: First, Polygamy did not enter the Mormon church until 13 years after it began. It was not practiced by the membership of the church until 1843. Second, nowhere in Mormon doctrine does it say that God is a polygamist. This is not an official doctrine of the church. Third, Mormons do not deny that the church practiced polygamy from 1843 to 1890. Just because they ended the practice doesn't mean they deny it ever happend. But, to answer the question, yes. The majority of Americans do know that early Mormons practiced polygamy. In fact, many polls have indicated that polygamy is the first thing people think of when they hear the word "Mormon." The church is trying to change this, as they haven't practiced polygamy for over 120 years.

In what counrties do people practice polygamy?

Polygamy is practiced in every country for many reasons, including religious belief, social norms, and personal desire.