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Public land is owned by the government. The people have elected a government to represent their interests. Public land is owned and administered by local, state and federal governments.

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Q: Is public land owned by the people the public or by the government?
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Related questions

What are lands of the public domain classified?

Public land is land owned by the state or federal government, and includes such things as national parks.

What percent of the US is public land?

About 60 percent of the United States is public land. The states with the highest percentages of area owned by the Federal Government are Alaska, Nevada, and Utah.

Who were the only people able to vote and participate in the government?

Free men who owned land.

Who owns public land?

The Government

What is communal land ownership?

Communal land ownership is where a group or culture owns the land, and not the government, a company, or an individual. In America, this is not a common concept anymore, since land that is not privately owned is owned by the local, state or federal government. This type of ownership still exists in some parts of the world, though. Communal land can be described as used or shared in common by everyone in a group or community. In that sense, a public park or town common (both owned by the town but dedicated to public use) might be considered modern communal land.

What is land community?

Communal land ownership is where a group or culture owns the land, and not the government, a company, or an individual. In America, this is not a common concept anymore, since land that is not privately owned is owned by the local, state or federal government. This type of ownership still exists in some parts of the world, though. Communal land can be described as used or shared in common by everyone in a group or community. In that sense, a public park or town common (both owned by the town but dedicated to public use) might be considered modern communal land.

Is the Atacama Desert government-owned?

Yes, the majority of the undeveloped land in the Atacama is government owned.

Who owns the fifty states?

Land within the 50 states is owned by several million different people and businesses, along with land that is owned by the State governments, and by agencies of the Federal government.

Is a correctional facility's land considered private or public?

There are several meanings for the term "public land". In the United States public land refers to land acquired by the federal government that has not been appropriated to some specific use. Individual states may own lands within the state but this type is a different category. Some state or town owned land is dedicated to public use and open to the public. Other land owned by state or local governments is appropriated to a specific use and not open to the public. A correctional facility would fall in this category.

Who did communism affect?

Communism affected the people because they basically stole their land, owned EVERYTHING that they owned, and all together this gave the people practically no freedom. For instance, if you were to live here, all of your business that you thought you owned would be owned by the Government. Your home would be owned by the Government, that includes furniture, the home itself, materials, etc. You yourself would pretty much be owned by the Government. Every single property, including factories, farms, EVERYTHING was owned by the Government.

How is most of the land used in Wyoming and Utah?

About 48 percent of the Wyoming land is owned by the Federal government. In Utah 70 percent of all the land is owned and managed by the Federal or the statee government.

What is state land?

Land that is owned or protected by the State in the name of Public Interest or conservation and protection.