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The natural color for litmus paper is blue. When put in an acidic solution the blue paper turns red. Red litmus paper is first mixed with an acid when it is made. This causes the paper to appear red. When put in the presence of a base, the paper returns to its natural blue color.

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14y ago
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11y ago

Surely there is a distinct difference in color:

the second is the color when immersed in acidic solutions (red), the first is the 'basic solution's color (blue), but in both cases it is still 'lithmus paper'.

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13y ago

basically there are two types of paper (litmus-red/blue) to test the nature of the substance. You stick a piece of litmus paper into the substance and it will turn a certain color according to the nature of the substance. It tests whether the solution is an acid, basic (alkaline) or neutral (salt)

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15y ago

Red is used to measure if the substance is an alkali. Blue is used to measure if the substance is an acid

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13y ago

they are basically the same

red litmus in an acid will turn red and in a base will turn blue

the same with blue litmus

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12y ago

Because PH Paper indicates 1-14 PH range. But Litmus paper indicates only 2. I mean Acid & the other thing.

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11y ago

Because of the electronic structure of its molecules. I know that's not a very satisfying answer, but colors almost always have to do with transitions between electronic energy levels.

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What color does blue litmus paper turn in the presence of a base?

Blue litmus paper will remain blue in the presence of a base. There wouldn't be any change. Red litmus paper, though, will turn blue. Just remember than the result is red in acids, and blue in bases.

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What happens when red litmus is added to soap solution?

The color change to blue, because a soap solution is a basic solution (pH greater than 7).

What do you observe when you dip blue litmus paper into solution with pH lees than 7?

It turns red as acid changes blue litmus to red.

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Why do you test with litmus paper?

The main use of litmus is to test whether a solution is acidic or alkaline. Wet litmus paper can also be used to test water-soluble gases; the gas dissolves in the water and the resulting solution colors the litmus paper. For instance, ammonia gas, which is alkaline, colors the red litmus paper blue. Chemical reactions other than acid-base reaction can also cause a color-change to litmus paper. For instance, chlorine gas turns blue litmus paper white - the litmus paper is bleached.[5] This reaction is irreversible and therefore the litmus is not acting as an indicator in this situation

What colour will Barium Nitrate turn a red litmus paper to?

Barium nitrate has a pH of 5 and is, thus, an acid. So, it will turn a litmus paper red, rather than blue.

Unknown substance turns blue litmus paper pink but does no change pink litmus paper the substance is a?

Acid; Meaning it is ranked less than seven and at least zero on the pH scale.

Why is the pH scale better than litmus?

Litmus solution is added to an acid or base to measure its pH. Litmus paper is dipped in. You can take the paper back out, but the solution can't be pulled back out.

What color will litmus paper turn when poured with Windex?

Blue, Because it's a cleaner. So it needs to be more base than acid. So, BLUE!

A substance that directly determines the acidity or alkalinity of a fluid?

Use a universal indicator or litmus paper. Litmus paper will turn red in acidic conditions and blue in alkali conditions. Universal indicator can give a more accurate PH reading than litmus paper.

Does salt water change the color of phenolphalen or litmus paper?

Litmus at a pH of 7 (which is nominally what an NaCl solution should have at room temperature) is a kind of purple color, somewhere between the "red" acidic form and the "blue" basic form. As with many indicators, the color change happens over a range rather than at a specific pH; the range for litmus is from around 5 (red) to 8 or so (blue).