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A Sinus infection needs to be treated by a doctor because an antibiotic is usually perscribed. However, the saline solution is great to help with the symptoms, and will give some releif to help sooth the discomfort in the nose and in the throat.

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Q: Is saline spray good to stop a sinus infection?
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What medication is good for treating a bad sinus infection?

Cetirizine hydrochloride Flixonase spray Augmentin if acute sinusitis

What do you do with sinus infection?

A sinus infection, also known as sinusitis, can be caused by either a viral or bacterial infection and can be acute (short-term) or chronic (long-lasting). The treatment for a sinus infection may vary depending on the cause and severity of the infection. Here are some general steps to consider if you suspect you have a sinus infection: Consult a Healthcare Provider: Rest and Hydration: Pain and Fever Management: Nasal Saline Irrigation: Nasal Decongestants: Antibiotics (If Bacterial): Avoid Triggers: Warm Compress: Steam Inhalation: Surgery (in Some Cases):

Is saline spray good for piercings. i was told by my piercer that it dries the piercing?

Since saline dries things out, I would imagine that your piercer is correct. Saline (salt solution) absorbs moisture.

How do you clear up sinus infections?

I have had several severe sinus infections and have tried all sorts of treatments, however i found a steriod nasal spray has worked the best for me, but you should always go and see your doctor, as they say - one man's nectar is another man's poison :D.

What is good for a sinus infection?

A humidifier would easily clear up the sinus infection. I also recommend Vicks Vapo Rub (which i own no copyright to). I use that whenever i have a sinus infection. It clears me up very quickly. Drink lots of fluids, and a little unorthodox, but putting icy-hot under your nose and on your chest will also help.

What is good for sinus infection?

When i had one I took 3 ibieprophans and within a couple of hours i was on top of the world

Is clear mucus good?

Yes clear is good, it means you are healthy. If it is green/yellow that means you may have a bad cold or a sinus infection.

Is there any home remedy for sinus infection?

The symptoms to watch for are pain behind the eyes and forehead (the sinus cavities), green mucus from the nose, and possible fever.

Dr didn't know if eye infection viral or bacterial He prescribed Ciloxam.Is that dangerous to use if it turns out to be a viral infection Also he prescribed a Z-pack for sinus infection Good combo?

The antibiotic will not harm you if it turns out it is not bacterial, but it won't do you any good either. In your case, it is probably very difficult to determine if it is viral or bacterial. For school aged kids (or even adults going to work), the school usually requires the child to have at least 24 hours of an antibiotic when diagnosed with conjunctivitis (pink eye) - whether it is bacterial or not. Z-pak (alone) is indicated for sinus infections that have become bacterial infections. Z-pak plus bacterial sinus infection is a good combo. Z-pak and your other antibiotic taken together will not make your sinus infection better quicker than the Z-pak alone. Ciloxan opthalmic ointment or drops will not interact with the Z-pak, either (not harmful taken together).

What can cause pressure and pain behind one eye tooth ache and blocked sinus?

That sounds like a classic sinus infection. Since the sinus cavity sits right above your top teeth, it will feel like you have the worst toothache. Lower sinus is behind and under eyes and cheeks. so the pressure in your face and behind your eyes is unbearable and the blocked sinus is the standard thing to have when you have a severe sinus infection. Get to an E.N.T. specialist (ear, nose & throat) doctor. Left untreated, it may get worse and spread to your brain. Ask you doctor for a good sinus antibiotic and a nasal douche solution that comes with a little plastic Neti pot. I've had them so bad that a quick and painless death started to look rather attractive! Go to your doctor for a sinus anti-biotic!

Is a z pack good for a sinus infection?

It is not the ideal antibiotic to penetrate the sinuses. Augmentin is the drug of choice, though some are suggesting the use of an antibiotic that also covers MRSA, such as Bactrim.

Is it bad if I hadn't cleaned my belly button peircing since the day I had it done And I have had it for almost five months already?

To avoid infection, all piercings should be kept clean and inspected for possible infection carefully. A quick spray with an antiseptic spray, once or twice every week, is a good routine to follow.