

Best Answer

No! Its not safer at all.

AnswerYes. It isn't safe, though. If you're looking for a safer way to ingest nicotine, check out Commit lozenges and the other nicotine replacement products. The lozenges should have much the same effect as chewing without the spitting and the cancer risk.

REAL Answer

Yes it is safer. Has anyone ever died from second hand spit? On a survey my firm has been doing for 27 years... After smoking for 10 years 8% got a form of cancer or lung disease. After chewing for 10 years 0.25% accumulate cancer and 1% got a gum disease.

After 25 years 24% of smokers got cancer or a lung disease, and 1% of chewers got cancer, while 6% got a gum disease.

Know the facts.

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14y ago
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12y ago

no it is not safer because i researched everything and studies say that people get addicted by the nicotine because of chemicals inside that can produce addiction and can be hard to let go. Also every cigarette a person smokes can take away 7 years of a persons life. So that's why people all around the world are dieing. And taking drugs is no difference than smoking just that it takes away 25% of your life.

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11y ago

Smoking has been found to be between 98% and 1000x more dangers than smokeless tobacco. There are even types of smokeless, such as real swedish snus, which have been found to be risk free in some studies. In the US tobacco products are officially all treated equally, and some articles will reference older studies where smokeless was made in ways not as common as today, but modern smokeless products carry little risk when compared with smoking.

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11y ago

Actually smokeless tobacco, such as chew and dip, are more addictive and harmful than cigarettes. Chew has fiberglass in it so that it cuts the gums in your mouth to allow the nicotine directly into you blood stream. It also is the leading cause of mouth cancer because it just sits in your mouth.

Smokeless tobacco has just as many poisons in it as a cigarette. Smokeless tobacco is VERY unappealing. It is unattractive to see someone spit out the product.

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14y ago

Chewing tobacco has carcinogenic's that can cause cancers to form in the mouth and throat whereas smoking affects your lungs and mouth. Both bad. Smoking will affect others around you though.

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13y ago

No, smokeless tobacco will give you gum cancer and really hurt your mouth. ( Gives you really bad breath and yellow teeth, too) Cigarettes will give you lung cancer. They are both bad habits.

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10y ago

Yes, they do. Inhaling pure nicotine does not present nearly as a great a health risk as inhaling cigarette smoke.

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Is dipping or chewing tobacco is just dangerous as smoking it?

Yes, dipping or chewing tobacco is just as dangerous as smoking. It isn't only the smoke from the cigarette that can harm you, it is the tobacco and other chemicals in the tobacco product.

Can you use chewing tobacco to help quit smoking?

What do you think? Bloody idiot it might help you stop smoking, but there's nicotine in chewing tobacco too. also, chewing tobacco looks and smells gross, is unattractive and has no less risk of giving you cancer. you're better off just fighting off the mental addiction and quitting cold turkey, take it from a fellow smoker buddy

Which is worse a cigarillo or a cigarette?

if you are smoking it, pipe tobacco is worse, since there is no filter Also: My vote for the most harmfull would go to the one you inhale. Not that smoking a pipe is without it's own risks.

How long should you wait to apply for Life insurance after quiting chewing tobacco?

Chewing tobacco underwriting varies by company. Some life insurance companies will consider you to be a tobacco user for 1 year after you quit chewing. The good news is that there are some life insurance companies that could care less about chewing tobacco and will offer you their non-tobacco life insurance rates today! In fact, you could chew tobacco at your insurance paramed exam and still qualify for non-tobacco rates.

Is smoking cigars more dangerous if you have already had skin cancer than to a person who has not had any form of cancer?

No, not at all, despite tobacco being dangerous to your health-- cigars less so if you have had skin cancer then smoking will not increase the chances of you getting cancer. However, if you have had lung cancer then it does make it extremely more dangerous to smoke.

What is the weakest chewing tobacco?

All chewing tobacco is dangerous to one's body because of all the numerous chemicals put in. Do some research to find out which brand puts the least dangerous chemicals in, but I would say all smokeless tobacco companies put about the same amount in. Some just might have less nicotine than others. i.e. I've read Skoal might not have as much nicotine as Copenhagen.

What if you filter the hookah?

Hookah smoking is not safer than cigarette smoking. The tobacco is no less toxic in a hookah pipe, and the water in the hookah does not filter out the toxic ingredients in the tobacco smoke.

Is skoal safer than chewing tobacco?

Skoal is dip, or chew. If you are referring to something like beechnut or redman, actual chewing tobaccos, it's not really safer, just used a little differently. Some might say that chewing tobacco is a little less harse than dip.

Why are chewing tobacco and snuff are often called spitting tobacco?

They increase saliva production.

Is it better to chew leaf tobacco like beechnut than can tobacco like skoal?

I tried both dipping and chewing tobacco. Chewing tobacco is much milder; it is not shredded, so has less surface area to release nicotine and oils. This allows for a longer and milder soak. Dipping tobacco, which comes in a can, is shredded; thus, most of the oils are already on the surface of the tobacco, which creates an instant hit of nicotine and oils. If you chew often throughout the today to stay awake as I do, then use chew; it will be less harsh on your mouth and stomach.

Is chewing tobacco safer than smoking?

While the available evidence shows that smokeless tobacco may be less dangerous than cigarettes are, long-term use of chewing tobacco and other smokeless tobacco products can cause serious health problems. That's because they can contain about 30 cancer-causing substances. Like cigarettes, smokeless tobacco also contains nicotine, which can cause you to become addicted.AddictionBecause smokeless tobacco contains nicotine, you can get addicted, just as you can with cigarettes and other tobacco products. Your body may actually absorb more nicotine from chewing tobacco or snuff than it does from a cigarette. Just as with smoking, withdrawal from smokeless tobacco causes signs and symptoms such as intense cravings, increased appetite, irritability and depressed mood. Also, over time, you develop a tolerance for the nicotine in chewing tobacco and other smokeless tobacco products, and you need more to feel the desired effects. This may lead you to dangerous habits - using brands with more nicotine, using more often, leaving chew in your mouth overnight and swallowing tobacco juices.CancerYour risk of certain types of cancer increases if you use chewing tobacco or other types of smokeless tobacco. This includes esophageal cancer and various types of oral cancer, including cancers of your mouth, throat, cheek, gums, lips and tongue. Surgery to remove cancer from any of these areas can leave your jaw, chin, neck or face disfigured, and the cancer may be life-threatening. You also face increased risks related to pancreatic cancer and kidney cancer.CavitiesChewing tobacco and other forms of smokeless tobacco cause tooth decay. That's because chewing tobacco contains high amounts of sugar, which contributes to cavities. Chewing tobacco also contains coarse particles that can irritate your gums and scratch away at the enamel on your teeth, making your teeth more vulnerable to cavities.Gum diseaseThe sugar and irritants in chewing tobacco and other forms of smokeless tobacco can cause your gums to pull away from your teeth in the area of your mouth where you place the chew. Over time you can develop gum disease (gingivitis), which can lead to periodontitis and tooth loss. And like cigarettes, chewing tobacco and other smokeless products can stain your teeth and cause bad breath.Heart diseaseSmokeless tobacco increases your heart rate and blood pressure. Some evidence suggests that long-term use of smokeless tobacco increases your risk of dying of certain types of heart disease and stroke.Precancerous mouth lesionsSmokeless tobacco increases your risk of developing small white patches called leukoplakia (loo-ko-PLAY-kee-uh) inside your mouth where the chew is most often placed. These mouth lesions are precancerous - meaning that the lesions could one day become cancer. If you stop using smokeless tobacco products, the lesions usually go away within a few months.

How much healthier is a hookah?

Not at all. Hookah smoking is not safer than cigarette smoking. The tobacco is no less toxic in a hookah pipe, and the water in the hookah does not filter out the toxic ingredients in the tobacco smoke. Hookah smokers may actually inhale more tobacco smoke than cigarette smokers do because of the large volume of smoke they inhale in one smoking session, which can last as long as 60 minutes.