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if your not using betta food, then that could be your problem. ick can also be the problem to this, its a rare but common disease and it can be treated ick is white spots all over the body on dark fish is can be easily seen, light colored fish like orange or red somewhere between the light colors in can be really hard to notice so make sure that you always look at your fish closly this can kill your fish if not detected and can lead to loss of apetite because the parasite is making the fish weaker and cant get to the top, if you keep your fish tank below 84 then you can most likely get this parasite but if you keep them no higher then that then if will speed up the cycle of these parasites and kill them faster and if your water wont stay at that temperature then i recommend you get a heater they can be found at any pet store. and treatment for this is ick guard, quickclear, and ick away. theres more just ask someone that works in a petstore.

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12y ago
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11y ago

Because they need food and nutrients to keep their color, so if he isn't eating, that means that he isn't getting the nutrients he needs.

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13y ago

they can go from 7-10 weeks without eating

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14y ago

It means that it is either sick, or that it may be dying. Might wanna check with a pet shop owner?

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Q: Why does your betta fish look pale and isn't eating?
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Betta are the best for you.They look awesome and are friendly

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it's fins will look raggidy and look torn.

What is the meaning of a betta fish tattoo?

Bettas are originally from Thailand. Although, they don't look as beautiful and colorful as you would see them at your local pet store. In the wild, they are brown or black and have short tails so they look like slugs.

Can dragon fish eat fish?

Yes, Dragon fish are meat eating scavenger. They eat shrimp and sometimes eat a small sick or injured fish but it is not predatory fish They are opportunistic feeders they primarily eat insects and other invertebrates and larvae. Fu'ad from Dire Dawa

What should you do if your betta fish is angry with you?

Betta splendens do not get angry with people. If you think your Betta is angry with you it will be your guilty concience. I advise you to look after your fish well. Give it good food, good conditions and change its water regularly and thereby have no conscience pangs.

What is the fish that looks like yin yan?

I am not sure but it could be a certain type of Goldfish or Betta. I think you know what a Betta is or you could look it up. Betta fish are called Siamese fighting fish so that makes sense in a way. You should look up "yin yang fish" because it seems there is truly such thing that people talk about. Maybe you meant yin yang but there seems to be very little information on yin yan fish. From all the images of this yin yan or yin yang fish it looks like either a Goldfish or a Betta.