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Yes, because it does not conduct heat.

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Q: Is styrofoam a good insulator to keep hot water hot?
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Why does styrofoam cup keep drinks hot longer?

Styrofoam is an excellent insulator.

Why do styrofoam cups keep water hot for longer than and paper cups?

It's a better insulator

Does Styrofoam keep liquids warm?

Styrofoam is used to keep drinks cold or warm.

Is styrofoam a better insulator of heat than plastic?

Styrofoam is a better insulator of heat than plastic. The plastic allows the heat in and out and the cold in and out. The Styrofoam helps keep the heat in.

How does a styrofoam cooler keep cold?

styrofoam is an insulator. It only works if thematerial stored is already cold.

Why does a styrofoam cup keep hot chocolate warmer then a glass?

If the Stainless Steel cup has no insulation the Styrofoam cup will keep it warm longer.

Does insulation keep things cold?

yes and hot too. Insulation is a heat barrier -- it tries to prevent heat exchange between the two sides. Vacuum is the best. Then air. Metals are the worst. ====================

Will a metal cup or a styrofoam cup keep the hot water warm after a short time?

It is the Styrofoam cup as it is not a good conductor of heat but the metal cup is a good conductor of heat.

Why are styrofoam boxes used to keep food hot for a long time?

Styrofoam is a brand trade mark for extruded polystyrene foam. This foam is a very good insulator, and will trap heat, so keeping food hot for a long times.

What would make a good insulator to keep water hot?

your mom and your dad in bed

Is a metal cup a better insulator or a plastic cup a better insulator?

Putting the cup in the freezer keeps ice from melting. Those cups will slow down the melting rate, but if you've got ice at room temperature it's gonna melt eventually. Having said that, ice will melt slowest in a styrofoam cup.

What are good insulators to keep something cool?

its tinfoil and Styrofoam