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It depends if you're referring to the American Revolution (and an incident in Boston during which colonists refused to pay taxes on tea (which were a result of the tea act) and subsequently dumped boatloads of tea into the Boston Harbor). If you're referring to that, as your categories might suggest, then no, it was an event in American history.

If you're referring to current American politics, the answer is still no. Although "Tea Party" members would like to consider themselves part of a party, they're really more of an ultra-conservative movement.

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No, it is a segment of the republican party.

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Q: Is tea party a political party?
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What is the Political Party?

a political party the same as a lemon tea party type lemon tea party in to google an you will find what you need

What is the difference between the Tea Party Movement and the Boston Tea Party political party?

No. The Tea Party movement is not nearly as organized as a political party, though some operatives of the Republican party are trying very hard to absorb the Tea Party's enthusiasm.

Is the Tea Party well liked?

The Tea Party is extremely controversial. Political opponents do not like it.

What is a political party's name?

There are several names for political parties. The Tea Party, The Whig Party, Democrats, Republicans, and the Independent Party.

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lol I am a TEA party Republican

What political party did the Boston tea party represent?

Yo MAMA represents it

What are the 2 majior political parties in the us today?

The tea party and the republican party.

What is the british tea party?

The Tea Party movement is a grassroots movement of millions of like-minded Americans from all backgrounds and political parties. Tea Party members share similar core principles supporting the United States Constitution as the Founders intended, such as: • Limited federal government • Individual freedoms • Personal responsibility • Free markets • Returning political power to the states and the people As a movement, The Tea Party is not a political party nor is looking to form a third political party any time soon. The Tea Party movement, is instead, about reforming all political parties and government so that the core principles of our Founding Fathers become, once again, the foundation upon which America stands.

What are five political parties in America?

republican democrat libertarian conservationalist tea party green party

Why did the Boston Tea Party form?

nothing because there was no party!

Who Promoted political involvement?

Different political groups are who promoted political involvement. This can be Republicans, Democrats, Liberals, Independents, or the Tea Party.

What does tea party stand for?

Tea does not actually stand for anything. It is just the name of a popular beverage.