

Best Answer

Both and neither.

Although the Church of England broke ties from Rome in the 16th century it is not considered "protestant" in the same way as "Presbyterians" are.

The Church of England (Anglican Church) is connected to its ancient Catholic heritage. The Anglican Church Celebrates the sacraments, and most importantly the Holy Eucharist.


Church of England was established by Henry VIII. The critical distinction is that the Pope is head of the Catholic Church whereas the present King of Queen of England as the head of the Church of England. The present head of the Church of England is her Britannic Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

3rd Answer

Whilst the Church of England was certainly ,'Established,' by Henry the 8th, it was simply a gesture that legitimised, as it were, the custom and practice of some 1500 years.

The Church of England was the Catholic Communion in this country and the Edict of Milan [311/13.] made the Catholic Church legal throughout the Roman Empire it began a move that assumed the establishment of the Church throughout the Roman Realm!

In Britain, then England this attitude grew, through the moves in early Synods of the Saxon Church and was carried on till Henry put it in to a law. The Monarch was always the Civil Head of the Church as being the Chief magistrate and this was just as real with the papacy in his own country in Northern Italy where the Bishop of Rome held civil power as well as religious authority!

As to the head of the Catholic Church? We are made members of the Catholic Church by baptism, it is referred to as the Body of Christ and we as members of Christ and Children of God! The Pope is not the Head of the Catholic Church, an error, but he is the Patriarch of the West! This is an honorary administrative post given to him , as Bishop of Rome, just as the Bishop of Constantinople was made Patriarch of the East, [for fully political reasons in both cases,] by the Ecumenical Councils.

The church of England or Anglican church is not Catholic. it is Protestant, and the Queen is NOT the chief magistrate, the Pope is acknowledged by the world as the Head of The Catholic Church, if he is not who is ?

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11y ago

The Church of England is one of many protestant churches in England.

Historically, I would deny the above claim, because the C.of E, based its beliefs on the Revelation of Christ, Scripture and The fathers in Council. [Tradition.]

Sadly in about 1994 the C.of E, abandoned the Holy tradition and adopted modern ideas and attitudes. Thus making itself as the then Archdeacon of York said, July 1994, "The Church of England is now a Liberal protestant organisation!"

Sadly the ideas above are typical of those who consider change a bad thing, the Church of England has to evolve to survive, it is propped up by the women of the UK and therefore needs to be represented by them. In the UK to be an archbishop is the only job that a woman cannot have, after all we have a Queen and have had a female as a Prime minister. The Church of England is the only protestant church, as others are Baptists, Methodists etc, which run their churches/chapels totally different to the Church of England.

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13y ago

No. They branched off from the Catholic faith because a King was not permitted to remarry by a Pope and was excommunicated. Therefore the King turned around and made his own religion so he could marry the woman he cheated on his wife with.

Anglican Catholic Answer!

It was until 1994!

The Church in England was one of the oldest Churches within the Catholic Church and was, it is alleged brought to Britain by S. Simon Zelotes, a brother of Jesus, its first bishop reputedly being Aristobulos a friend of S.Paul.

It was given the pre-eminence for this reason at the Latin Councils of the West, just before the Reformation!

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13y ago

No, it's Anglican.

AnswerThough not part of the Protestant movement in Germany and Scandinavia when it was set up by Henry VIII it was declared a 'protestant' Church (small 'p') in that it protested against the Church of Rome an rejecte papal authority. History books will always affirm that when Mary I came to the throne she restore cathoolicism, but when her sister Elizbeth I took over from her, she restored 'Protestantism'. All monarchs since, as governors of the Church of England, have been 'protestant'. Even in modern times, say, in Npprthern Ireland, there have been troubles between the Catholics (those from Southern Irelend, living in the north) and 'protestants' (those ex-pat British living also in the north.

Throughout history the Church of England, though a broad church that ranges from charismatic styles of worship through to ritualistic Catholic styles of worship, has always been thought of as a protestant Church despite not lining up with the Protestants of Europe.

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10y ago

Catholic Answer
No although the answer might change dpending upon whom you ask. Technically, the Catholic Church is the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church that is ruled by the successor to St. Peter, in other words the Pope: that is the "Catholic Church". Over the centuries though, many heresies of one form or another have popped up and claimed that they are the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church and that the Church in Rome (the Catholic Church ruled by the Pope) has gone astray. So that the answer they would give you, be they Orthodox, Anglican, or Old Catholic, or even now, the Society of St. Pius X, is that THEY are Catholic.

Bottom line, there are many things about the Anglican church which look Catholic, as well as the other ecclesial communities I have mentioned above, but they are not in communion with Rome. In the Anglican's church's case, they don't even have valid orders anymore having lost them through a defective prayer book that was written with a protestant slant. So, no, the Anglican church is not Catholic.
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12y ago

Anglo Catholic Answer:

BOTH! The Church of England and the Anglican Communion is one of the tree main branches of true Christianity:

Roman Catholicism, Anglicanism, and Eastern Orthodoxy.


Catholic AnswerCatholic and Christian are the same thing. The Church of England, in the definition of the Catholic Church is not a "Church", it is referred to as an ecclesial community because it lacks valid sacraments, a valid priesthood, etc. The "Church of England" is actually another of the 30,000 (as of 2012) denominations of protestant "Christianity." A non-Catholic person is a Christian to the extent that they are validly baptized and believe in the Nicene Creed in its traditional interpretation. By this definition, most of the people in the Anglican Church are Christian. The fact that the Church of England maintains the trappings of Catholicism and the trappings of the priesthood does not make it so. Apostolicae Curae was promulgated on September 18, 1896 by Pope Leo XIII declaring that Anglican Orders (for the entire encyclical see the link below):36. Wherefore, strictly adhering, in this matter, to the decrees of the pontiffs, our predecessors, and confirming them most fully, and, as it were, renewing them by our authority, of our own initiative and certain knowledge, we pronounce and declare that ordinations carried out according to the Anglican rite have been, and are, absolutely null and utterly void.
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12y ago

While Anglicans will protest this answer, they are considered as Protestants by Catholics. They are not in union with the Pope in Rome so can not be considered as Catholics.

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That depends upon who you talk to. An Anglican would say they are English Catholics. A Catholic would call them Protestants.

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Q: Is the Anglican church Catholic or protestant?
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Is Anglican Christianity or Catholic?

No WAY!!! The Anglican church is probably one of the closER Protestant "branch religions" to the Catholic Church, but it is still a Protestant religion. The Anglican church is missing some of the MOST key factors that "make" the Catholic Church Catholic. So "no, they are most definitely NOT the same."

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What religions are practiced in the Church of England?

The Church of England is a protestant church, it practices Anglican Christianity, which is a whole range of protestant religious flavors from High Church Anglican - which lookslike Catholic to Low Church Anglican which looks like the Methodists.

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Is Protestant a Catholic?

At first glance many people think a Catholic Protestant is a contadiction in terms. However there are Protestant (or Reformed) people and churches that identify as Catholic but not Roman Catholic. Catholic means 'universal' or 'general', so some Protestants regard themselves as catholic in the sense of being part of the universal church of Christ. There is also an Anglican church not centred on the Archbishop of Canterbury or the Anglican Communion called the Anglican Catholic Church. The Anglican Communion itself points out that a Catholic that follows the Bishop of Rome (usually called the Pope) is a Roman Catholic where-as they identify as Anglican Catholic. To quote the Anglican Church of Ireland website:"The Church of Ireland is Catholic because it is in possession of a continuous tradition of faith and practice, based on Scripture and early traditions, enshrined in the Catholic Creeds, together with the sacraments and apostolic ministry.".Catholic AnswerA Catholic Protestant remains an oxymoron as there is only one Catholic Church - by Our Blessed Lord's own definition - and a protestant, by definition, is someone whose religion is protesting the Catholic Church. Redefining terms and saying that all truth is relative helps no one, and doesn't make any sense anyway.

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At first glance many people think a Catholic Protestant is a contadiction in terms. However there are Protestant (or Reformed) people and churches that identify as Catholic but not Roman Catholic. Catholic means 'universal' or 'general', so some Protestants regard themselves as catholic in the sense of being part of the universal church of Christ. There is also an Anglican church not centred on the Archbishop of Canterbury or the Anglican Communion called the Anglican Catholic Church. The Anglican Communion itself points out that a Catholic that follows the Bishop of Rome (usually called the Pope) is a Roman Catholic where-as they identify as Anglican Catholic. To quote the Anglican Church of Ireland website:"The Church of Ireland is Catholic because it is in possession of a continuous tradition of faith and practice, based on Scripture and early traditions, enshrined in the Catholic Creeds, together with the sacraments and apostolic ministry.".Catholic AnswerA Catholic Protestant remains an oxymoron as there is only one Catholic Church - by Our Blessed Lord's own definition - and a protestant, by definition, is someone whose religion is protesting the Catholic Church. Redefining terms and saying that all truth is relative helps no one, and doesn't make any sense anyway.

Was Elizabeth I a Protestant or Catholic?

Catholic AnswerElizabeth was brought up outside the Catholic Church in Henry VIII's newly formed Anglican Church. She was a strong supporter of the Anglican Church as the Catholic Church never recognized her mother as a wife of Henry and so she, Elizabeth, as illegitimate, could not legally sit on the throne of England.