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Cypus is the only European Union member in the Middle East. All other European Union countries (as could be guessed) are in Europe.

Turkey is a Middle Eastern country that has tried to accede to the European Union, but has not had its accession accepted. To read more about that read the Related Question.

The European Union is very active politically in the Middle East, often serving as a bloc to negotiate against different Middle Eastern countries and therefore make negotiations more favorable in the Middle East.

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Q: Is the European Union in the Middle East?
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No, they are Eastern European. On the newer Atlases, we are now put as part of Europe because our culture, history and political views are similar to Europe's . So Armenians are European and our borders are in Europe. The European Union has recognized us as a European nation and we are part of the Council of Europe.

Why was the middle east the cockpit of European rivalries after world war ll?

Answer 1There is no major view that holds that Middle East was the cockpit of European rivalries after World War II. While there was certainly violence in the Middle East and some of it was an extension of British and French Imperial aims, most of the violence in the Middle East was between endemic Middle Easterners and their countries as opposed to foreign powers. (The Restoration of the Shah of Iran in 1953 and the Suez Crisis of 1956 are some examples of British and French Imperial Aims in the Middle East.) The United States and Soviet Union fought proxy wars through the Middle East conflict, but neither country is considered a typically "European" power. Western European powers after World War II engaged in a huge rapprochement, leading to NATO and the European Union.The Middle East was a cockpit of European rivalries, however, after World War I. The British and French took strategic territories in the Middle East to acquire oil or desirable ports. Each power supported local groups that could further cement its "right to control" the area. However, Africa was always more violent during the colonial period than the Middle East during the Mandatory Period and may have been a better "cockpit of European Rivalries".Answer 2Oil

What European country controlled most of the middle east in 1917?

The British (UK) controlled the majority of the Middle East, followed closely by the French.

Why would the middle east be important to European and Asian traders?

For uranium

Is Cyprus part of the Middle East?

Answer 1Cyprus can be a part of the Middle East or a part of Europe depending on the definitions of any one person examining the situation. Cyprus is a member of the European Union and has a majority Greek population, which would seem to make it a European country. However it is entirely south of Turkey and north of Egypt, which would make it geographically a Middle Eastern country and therefore the UN recognizes it as part of the Asia-Pacific Region as opposed to the Western European and Others Group.Answer 2Yes. Cyprus is part of the Middle East. It is located directly south of Turkey and as such, has never been seen as a European Country except as concerns its status in the European Union. Most Ancient artwork from Cyprus shows much stronger Persian and Akkadian influences than Greek influences (which come later but are never fully copied).

What European country took most control of the middle east in 1917?

The British (UK) controlled the majority of the Middle East, followed closely by the French.