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When you ask if it is "followed," I assume you mean is it taken literally and believed. All denominations of Judaism respect the Talmud, a remarkable compendium of Jewish wisdom from sages and scholars in early Rabbinic Judaism. But while the Orthodox (and some Conservative) Jews take it literally and treat it as sacred scripture, the more moderate and liberal denominations tend not to. For most Reform Jews, for example, the Talmud is seen as an excellent resource for studying the development of the customs and practices that most Jews would recognize today; but although it is quoted (especially books like Pirke Avot, the "Ethics of our Ancestors," it is not generally regarded as sacred scripture.

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Q: Is the Talmud followed by Jewish denominations other than orthodox?
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1) The Talmud is revered as a religious text, but it isn't worshiped. Only God is worshiped. 2) The Talmud is practiced through the observance of Jewish law, as religious Jews do today. Jewish law is codified in the Talmud.

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The Torah, including its accompanying Oral Tradition (the Talmud).

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1. Babylonian Talmud 2. Jerusalem Talmud

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