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For the most part. Some things they try to slip by...but the people are still protected by it.

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Q: Is the United States following the amendments?
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What do the thirtenth fourteenth and fifteenth amendments address?

These amendments to the United States Constitution, adopted between 1865 and 1870, the five years immediately following the Civil War.

How many amendments to the United States constitution have been repealed by other amendments?


What is the number of constitutional amendments?

There are 27 Amendments in the Constitution of the United States in 2010

What has 27 amendments?

The Constitution of the United States of America.

How many amendments does your constitution have today?

The United States Constitution has 27 Amendments as of year 2010.

What two amendments gave Africans the right to vote?

The 14th and 15th amendments of the Constitution of the United States

What are the amendments of the US?

Since it was first adopted, the Constitution of the United States of America has had 27 Amendments. The Constitution and all its Amendments are available at the website below.

What are four amendments still pending before the state legislature today?

This is the complete list of the ratified and unratified amendments to the United States Constitution which received the approval of the United States Congress. Twenty-seven amendments have been ratified since the original signing of the Constitution, the first ten of which are known collectively as the Bill of Rights. The procedure for amending the United States Constitution is governed by Article V of the original text. There have been many other proposals for amendments to the United States Constitution introduced in Congress, but not submitted to the states.

Whose the right are guaranteed by the Bill of Rights?

The rights of persons within the United States of America are guaranteed (recognized) primarily by the first 10 Amendments to the US Constitution, collectively known as the "Bill of Rights." However, the entire Constitution as a whole, including the Amendments following the Bill of Rights, protect persons within the United States of America.

Where was the Bill of Rights found in the constitution?

The First Congress of the United States submitted 12 amendments to the states. Numbers 3 through 12 were ratified and became the first ten amendments to the Constitution of the United States. They are known as the Bill of Rights. The original copies are located in the National Archives Building in Washington, DC. The Bill of Rights is made up of the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. The original copy is located in the United States Archive in Washington DC.

What is one major difference that you observe between these two important historical documents?

They are for the florida amendments and the united states amendments

How many US amendments to the constitution are there?

27Thirty-three amendments to the United States Constitutionhave been adopted by the United States Congress.However, only twenty-seven of these, have been ratified by the requisite number of states and are therefore part of the Constitution.