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Q: Is the big bang a form or example of free energy?
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What is the source of free energy for the leaf factory?

If by 'leaf factory' you mean the leaves of plants, then the source of free energy is the Sun, in the form of sunlight form the Sun.

When does free energy become availabe to organisms?

Free energy will become available to organisms when energy that is stored in one form gets converted to another form. The happens as a result of chemical reactions.

Free energy is the minimum energy necessary for product to form?

False, the minimum reaction energy needed for a reaction to form or take place is called the activation energy.

What companies in New Mexico provide free energy?

Several solar energy companies provide free energy in New Mexico. For example, El Paso Electric Company are one of the companies where solar power is free.

What are some known sources for free energy?

Apart form Geothermal energy (heat from the core of the Earth) and Tidal energy (from the Earth's spin) all energy comes from the Sun which grew the organisms that form fossil fuels, drives the wind and rain and feeds plants. Sunlight is free!

What is an example of a free form of music composition?

Fantasia A+Fantasia

Where can you download a free copy of the script Bang Bang You're Dead?

your do little boys up the bum

What is an example of an open poetic form?

Free verse is an example of an open poetic form, as it does not have a regular meter or rhyme scheme. Poets using free verse have more freedom to experiment with language, structure, and form to convey meaning and emotion in their poems.

What is released during nuclear reactions?

Energy (in the form of heat), also free neutrons.Binding energy

How does NADPH get into the low form of chemical energy?

NADPH, which is reduced, is in a high form of free energy. Its low from of free energy is NADP+, which is oxidized. NADPH reaches its high state of free energy through the light reaction phase of photosynthesis. After photosystem 1 (PSI) Fd, which is an electron acceptor, reduces NADP+ turing it into NADPH by adding one proton (H+) and two electrons on to it. It is a more versatile energy source during the Calvin Cycle, the second stage of photosynthesis, than water because it has higher free energy and its energy is more accessible.

The liver can supply the skeletal muscles with energy in the form of free glucose but the skeletal muscles cannot supply the liver with energy in the form of free glucose?

No. Unlike skeletal muscles, the liver contains an enzyme known as glucose 6-phosphatase that can remove the phosphate groups and produce free glucose.

Is magnetism consider a form of energy?

yes magnet is energy, surprisingly. magnets have at least one north pole and south pole, which make magnets have energy. Magnets provide energy. When you have two magnets and they are pushing against each other, that is how magnets provide energy. Magnets are better for the enviornment, because magnets are pollution-free.