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Ideally, complete combustion. In practice it isn't always, which is why cars have catalytic converters.

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Q: Is the burning of petrol in cars an example of complete combustion or incomplete combustion Explain?
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What is the chemical equation for the complete and incomplete combustion of methane?

Burning of methane is:CH4 + 2 O2---------- → CO2 + 2 H2OCarbon monoxide is released after an incomplete combustion.

Is carbon dioxide produced from the burning of wood?

Complete combustion produces carbon dioxide. Incomplete combustion produces carbon monoxide.

How are carbon monoxide and particulate carbon made?

they are the products of INCOMPLETE COMBUSTION (aka burning)

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The Bunsen burner would display complete combustion by producing a "roaring" blue flame and it would display incomplete combustion when you close the air valve complete to cut off the oxygen gas supply, thus creating a yellow flame due to the burning of carbon particles (soot).

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complete burning gas completely burns its fuel and a incomplete burning gas partially burns.

What are the products of burning hydocarbons?

It depends upon the extent of combustion take propane as an example Complete Combustion: C3H8(g) + 5O2(g) --> 3CO2(g) + 4H2O(l) Incomplete Combustion: C3H8(g) + 3.5O2(g) --> 3CO(g) + 4H2O(l) Very Incomplete Combustion: C3H8(g) + 2O2(g) --> 3C(s) + 4H2O(l) Products of Complete = Carbon Dioxide + Water Products of Incomplete = Carbon Monoxide + Water Products of Very Incomplete = Amorphous Carbon (soot) + Water

What happens if you burn something with not enough oxygen?

When you burn something without enough oxygen for complete burning, you get incomplete burning; for example, instead of getting carbon dioxide as a combustion product, you could get carbon monoxide.

What will happen if we burn wax?

The combustion of wax produces carbon dioxide gas and water vapor (if combustion is complete.) Incomplete combustion can result in the production of carbon monoxide gas or pure carbon (soot.)

What is the product of burning carbon monoxide?

Incomplete combustion of carbon-containing compounds.

How are the incomplete and complete combustion reactions different?

In complete combustion, all the reactants will be converted into carbon dioxide and water. In incomplete combustion, some of the reactants will be converted to carbon dioxide, some will become carbon monoxide, and some may not react at all. Quite often incomplete combustion will result in a "sooty" flame.

What chemicals are left after burning butane?

it depends. complete combustion of butane will produce carbon dioxide and water, but incomplete combustion (not enough oxygen) will produce carbon monoxide and carbon (soot). most commonly there will be a mixture of these four chemicals produced

What two products are formed when burning a fuel?

Products formed when fossil fuels are burnt are: 1. Carbon dioxide (for complete combustion) 2. Carbon Monoxide (for incomplete combustion) 3. Water. Hope this helped :)