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Q: Is the correct definition of electrical energy Select one a. energy of an object due to the random motion of its atoms and molecules b. energy an object has because of its motion or position c. en?
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What is definition of Ozone layer depletion?

Ozone depletion is the depletion of ozone molecules. It is happening because of CFC's.

How do water drops hold on to the penny?

Water molecules stick together because of the electrical charges in the water create a bond.

Are atoms different from molecules because they do not have an electrical charge?

No. An atom is the basic unit of matter, and a next step up would be a molecule, which is just made up of atoms. Atoms and molecules can have an electric charge.

Why are compounds that have covalent bonds called molecules?

Because there are bonds there must by definition be more than 1 atom and hence a molecule.

Why do molecules of alpha glucose and beta glucose have different shapes?

because of the diffrence in the position of anomeric carbon atom left or right

Is a atom smaller then a molecule?

Yes, since molecules are made up of atoms bonded together.

Why do charged and polar molecules dissolve in aqueous solutions?

Because water is polar, and polar solvants will dissolve polar solutes. :)

Why one mole of different compounds have different masses but have same number of molecules?

One mole of different compounds have different masses but have same number of molecules because that is the definition of a mole - a mole is about 6.022x1023 molecules of any particular material - and is normalized to the mass of Carbon-12.

Why hairs cling together when wet?

Hairs each stick to water/water sticks to itself, because of the electrical attraction between the charged ends of water molecules

Which term refers to the flow of electrical charges?

A flow of electrical charges is the definition of an electric current. This is a far better definition than 'a flow of free electrons', which one normally hears, because a current can be a flow of free electrons, positive or negative ions, 'holes', etc. -depending on the medium through which the current is flowing.

How can you store ac currrent?

You cannot 'store' current, because, by definition, current is a movement of electrical charge along a conductor. You cannot store something that is moving.

What is definition of selectively permeable?

The selectively permeable phospholipid bilayer (a.k.a plasma membrane) is 'selectively permeable' because it selects which molecules it allows to permeate (pass through).