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The scan date is from your last period.

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Q: Is the scan date from your last period or when you conceived?
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Is my due date different if I conceived while on my period?

It is extremely unusual to conceive during a period, but you may need an ultrasound scan to confirm your due date.

Your first scan was 271106 when did you conceive?

There is not enough info to answer the question. When was your last period? Or what is your due date? How far did they say you were at your scan? You can also google due date calculator put in your info and it will give you your answer.

Scan dates say im 12 weeks and 2 days pregnant but i couldn't of conceived until 11 weeks and 2 days ago is the scan based on your last period or did you conceive 12 weeks and 2 days ago?

Your hunch is right; the ultrasound date is based on the day your last period ended. So, on average, the 40 week pregnancy begins two weeks before conception has even occured.

When does a scan pick up a heart beat?

After 45 dayz of last period date, an USG can detect the heart beat

If a baby is measuring a week bigger on scan than EDC does that mean the baby is big or do they date by your last period?

It depends when you have your scan. email me with your dates (see my bio page)and I will explain

Are your scan dates based on your last period?

yes they are ..

How can you tell what day you conceived you took a pregnancy test that is positive?

YOu can't tell from a pregnancy test what day you conceived. If you have a regulkar 28day cycle it is likely to have been 13-15 days after the START of your last period. An ultrasound scan at around 6 weeks can tell you within a day or two.

Can you count back the weeks of your pregnancy from a dating scan to see when you may have conceived if your LMP is unknown?

I just had a child and I had no idea when my last MP was or when around he was conceived, but if you know already how old around the fetus is, then you can get somewhat of an idea, but it won't be exact. Yes. If you count back two weeks less than the length of your pregnancy, that is approximately when you conceived. For example if your dating scan says you are 10 weeks pregnant, counting back 8 weeks will give you your approximate date of conception.

When I had an 8 week scan i got a due date of 6 Dec however I found a diary which confirmed my last cylce was 6th Feb this would give me a due date of 16th Nov on a 35 day cycle Is the scan accurate?

A last period on 6th Feb with a 35 day cycle would give a due date of 20th November but this still gives a 16 day discrepancy at a very early stage when the scan should be accurate within 2/3 days. Put the date of your scan on the discussion section and I will try to help. englishangel

Is an ultrasound scan measured from your last period or when the baby was conceived?

Hi An ultrasound provides a picture of the baby in the womb. The date of conception could be intelligently guessed at by your gynacologist, probably to within a couple of days if not better.AnswerThe date of conception would be calculated by the professional and the length of pregnancy is found by working back two weeks before this.Ultrasounds have only been around for thirty years or so and before that the only way of calculating the length of pregnancy was from the first day of the last period - on average two weeks before conception as we now know.

How can one calculate their pregnancy due date?

Cow and Gate have a pregnancy calculator on their website, or you could just add 9 months and 1 week to the date of the first day of your last period. The only accurate calculation is the first scan.

Is the EDD given to you on your scan date from your LMP or by the date of conception?

EDD is ESTIMATED. If done by scan is 38 weeks from conception. An EDD is based on the LMP (last menstrual period) and not the date of conception. The ultrasound measurements are comparing the baby to the expected size of other babies at the same gestational age. The earlier the ultrasound is done in the pregnancy, the more accurate it will be. Hope this helps! Dr. B.