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Nope.. Light always travels at the same speed. However, black holes do affect the trajectory of the photons, hense diverting the direction of the light.

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Q: Is the speed of light effected by black holes?
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What is the rotation speed of black holes?

as high as 98.7% of the speed of light

What causes the speed of light to vary?

Obstructions, black holes, etc.

Can light escape black holes?

No. The escape velocity of a black hole is greater than the speed of light.

Why is light attracted to a black hole?

Light is not only attracted to a black hole, in fact, its attracted to you, to me and to everything made of matter in the universe. The problem is that light is affected by gravity, and the black holes have so much that light significantly change trajectory or the black holes absorb the photons

Why do black holes attract light?

According to the particle theory of light, light is made us of particles called photon. Black hole has very high gravity. Its escape velocity being more than that of speed of light, light is attracted towards it and it even cannot escape by lunizah: black holes attract every thing even the light because they have a very strong attractive force and that's the reason why black holes attract light!! ^_^

Why black hole has much gravity and what is it's source?

The source of its gravity is its mass. Black holes also have the property of being very dense. Black holes by definition are objects where the escape velocity is equal to or greater than the speed of light.

How close can you get to a black hole without falling in?

You can get as close as you want, as long as your tangential speed is high enough to maintain an orbit. Inside of some distance, that'll require the speed of light (or more). The distance depends on the mass of the black hole.

Is there anything black holes can't suck up?

There are hypotheses about so called 'virtual particles' that may travel faster than speed of light, and hence are not sucked up by Black Holes. Also, Black Holes cannot suck another bigger Black Hole, when they meet a bigger one, they get sucked up rather.

An object that has an escape speed greater than that of light is a?

A black hole has an escape velocity of the speed of light, at least theoretically. Oddly, though, each galaxy has a black hole and we can detect them because they throw off massive amounts of energy. If the escape velocity is greater than the speed of light, then no light or energy of any kind should escape. So black holes are not quite the perfect consumers of everything.

What did the black hole swallow?

anything it can reach that cant travel even faster than the speed of light. Absolutly everything.

What is the area beyonda black hole where the black hole has?

black holes are a very complected mechanisms. Beyond the hole lies the centeral horizon point here is when the space forced in the black hole is draggedback to volcities the same as the speed of light which is 168282.4 miles per second when space gets sucked in at the start it gets sucked in faster than the speed of light.

Is escape velocity of light infinity?

Not at all. It would take an infinitely large mass to produce an infinite escape velocity, and no such infinite mass exists. Furthermore, the escape velocity for any object is the same no matter what is trying to escape, so light does not have its own escape velocity. This question presumably concerns black holes. Light does not escape from black holes because the escape velocity is greater than the speed of light. The speed of light is not infinite, it is 300,000 kilometers per second.