

Is the sun also a moon?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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12y ago

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No, Sun isn't a moon . Sun is the red hot ball of fire and emits its own light, heat and energy but moon is luminous because of sunlight .

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Are sun and moon stars?

The Sun is a star. A moon is a (moon) also known as a: satellite.

What is it when the earth is between the sun and the moon?

When the Earth is between the Moon and the Sun you get a full moon, not a new Moon which occurs when the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun. You could also get a Lunar eclipse.

Are the moon and sun considered planets?

No. The sun is a star. The moon is a moon, also called a natural satellite, as it orbits Earth rather than the sun.

What is it when the moon is between the sun and earth?

The moon is said to be a new moon. There is also the chance of there being a total or partial eclipse of the sun.

How do w get full moon and new moon?

becasue the moon orbits the earth and it is also to do with the sun

Why do you see moon in day light also?

The moon reflects the light from the sun.

What controls the rising and setting of the sun and moon?

the sun is the center our this solar system, there are thousands like it. the earth is moving in a circle around this sun the earth is also spinning itself. the spinning makes the sun appear to rise and set every day the moon is moving in a circle around the earth. sometimes the earth is directly between the sun and the moon and the moon becomes shaded or eclipsed. sun eclipses can also happen when the moon is between the sun and the earth

Which celestial body has a greater effect on tidal forces on earth?

The primary source of tidal effects on Earth is the Moon, and the Sun is #2.

What does the moon have that the sun and moon don't have?

The moon is included in the sun and the moon, so the moon has everything that the sun and moon have.

What is an eclispe?

When the moon blocks the Sun's light from reaching Earth, and also when our planet Earth blocks the Sun's light from reaching the moon.

Effects of the moon?

The Moon is largely responsible for the tides (the Sun also effects them but to a lesser extent). The Moon also provides light at night.

What does gravity have to do with the sun and the moon?

Gravity is what keeps the Moon in orbit around the Earth and also what keeps the Earth-Moon system in orbit around the Sun. It is also the force that tries to contract the Sun leading to the immense pressures in its core which is required for nuclear fusion.