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there is only 25 Bill of Rights

Actually dude, I believe there are only 10.

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Q: Is there 25 or 26 Bill of Rights?
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When was United States Bill of Rights created?

United States Bill of Rights was created on 1789-09-25.

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What day was the Bill of Rights signed?

September 25, 1789.

What Year Was The Bill Of Rights Made In?

September 25, 1789

What contains the Bill of Rights in the US constitution-?

The Bill of Rights is contained in the first ten amendments of the US Constitution. They were created on September 25, 1789.

What year was the Bill of Rights created or introduced?

The Bill of Rights are the first ten rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution. They were created on September 25, 1789, but were not ratified until December 15, 1791.

When were Bill of Rights adopted?

The Bill or Rights is an amendment to the Constitution. It was not passed by congress. It was ratified by the states. Amendments are not ever passed by congress, and there is no veto option for the president.

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In June 26 ,2013 the Government of Canada introduced the 'Taxpayer Bill of Rights'

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Bill or rights guarantees.

Which man was president of the United States when the bill of rights was ratified?

The Bill of Rights were ratified in 1791 while George Washington was the president.The Bill of Rights was approved on June 25, 1789 and Washington took office in September 1789, so no one was president.

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The English Bill of Rights

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The Bill of Rights