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Ammonia dissolves in water to form ammonium hydoxide, not a meetallic ion in sight!

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Q: Is there An alkaline solution which has no metallic ion?
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Which ion is excess in alkali solution?

OH- ions are present in excess in alkaline solution

Which ion makes ammonia solution alkaline?

Ammonia react with water molecules. By that OH- are made

Solution contains metallic ion blue in colour flame test produce blue green colour The solution forms a precipitate when sodium hydroxide is added to the solution What is the ion in the solution?

Most likely copper.

Why when ammonia gas is bubbled into water the solution has such a high pH value?

it because of the ammonium ion form in the solution. Ammonium solution is an alkaline.

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Is sodium bicarbonate alkaline or acidic?

Sodium Bicarbonate is considered as acidic due to H+ ion. The formula is HCo3. Please remember when HCo3 dissolves the H+ ionizes and imparts acidity to alkaline solution.

What is common in Benedict solution and Fehling solutions?

Both are Cupric ( Cu-II ) alkaline complex-ion solutions

Which is more metallic alkaline metals or alkaline earth metals?

alkali metals

What is the metallic ion in Na2S?

The metallic ion in this case is Na+, or sodium. If there is a metal ion in a chemical formula, it will be the one written at the beginning.

What is alkaline solutions?

when pH of a solution is in the range of 7-14, the solution is said to be alkaline solution.

Is ammonium sulphate a base or acid?

Ammonium sulfate is a neutral salt which shows alkaline behavior in solution due to the hydrolysis of the ammonium ion.