

Best Answer

Here are the five-letter words ending in L. Pick the ones you want that relate to school.

aboil, afoul, ahull, aldol, algal, alkyl, allyl, ampul, angel, annal, annul, anvil, appal, appel, areal, argal, argil, argol, ariel, artal, artel, arval, atoll, aural, avail, awful, axial, babel, babul, bagel, banal, basal, basil, bedel, beryl, betel, bevel, bezel, bezil, binal, boral, botel, bowel, brail, brawl, brill, broil, bubal, butyl, cabal, camel, canal, carol, cavil, cecal, ceorl, chiel, chill, churl, cibol, civil, comal, copal, coral, coxal, craal, crawl, creel, cruel, cupel, cymol, decal, dedal, devel, devil, domal, dotal, dowel, drail, drawl, drill, droll, drool, ducal, dural, dwell, dynel, easel, email, enrol, equal, ervil, ethyl, excel, expel, extol, fatal, fecal, feral, fetal, final, flail, focal, frail, frill, fugal, fusel, fusil, fuzil, gavel, gayal, ghoul, ghyll, gimel, glial, gnarl, goral, graal, grail, grill, growl, gruel, gyral, hadal, halal, hamal, hazel, hemal, hexyl, horal, hosel, hotel, hovel, ideal, idyll, ileal, ilial, impel, indol, jacal, jebel, jewel, joual, jugal, jural, jurel, ketol, kevel, kevil, kneel, knell, knoll, knurl, kraal, krill, kugel, kvell, label, lapel, legal, level, libel, local, loral, losel, loyal, maill, medal, metal, metol, miaul, modal, model, mogul, mohel, molal, moral, morel, motel, mural, nasal, natal, naval, navel, nerol, newel, nicol, nidal, nihil, nival, nodal, nonyl, nopal, notal, novel, octal, octyl, offal, oriel, osmol, ousel, ouzel, panel, papal, parol, pearl, pedal, penal, peril, petal, phial, pibal, pical, picul, pipal, pixel, prill, prowl, pupal, pupil, quail, quell, quill, quoll, ramal, ratal, ratel, ravel, rebel, refel, regal, renal, reoil, repel, revel, rival, riyal, rowel, royal, rubel, rugal, rural, sabal, salal, salol, scall, schul, scowl, scull, sepal, seral, setal, shall, shaul, shawl, sheal, shell, sheol, shiel, shill, shoal, shool, shorl, sibyl, sigil, sisal, skell, skill, skirl, skoal, skull, small, smell, snail, snarl, snell, snool, sokol, sorel, sotol, spail, spall, speel, speil, spell, spiel, spill, spoil, spool, stall, steal, steel, still, stool, stull, sural, swail, swell, swill, swirl, tamal, taxol, tepal, thill, thiol, thirl, thurl, tical, tidal, tolyl, tonal, total, towel, trail, trawl, trial, trill, triol, troll, trull, tubal, twill, twirl, typal, umbel, until, ureal, urial, usual, uveal, vagal, vakil, vasal, venal, vexil, vigil, vinal, vinyl, viral, vital, vocal, vowel, wedel, wheal, wheel, whirl, whorl, woful, xylol, xylyl, yodel, yokel, zoeal, zonal, zoril

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