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No. The Mesopotamian Blue is an made-up breed of cat in Dave Mckean's successful Varjak Paw books. The cats in the illustrations resemble Russian Blues.

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Q: Is there a breed of cat called Mesopotamian Blue?
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Does a Mesopotamian blue cat exist?

No I dont think so

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The Ragdoll is a domestic cat breed. The Russian Blue is a cat breed with a silvery blue coat.

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The Russian Blue is a breed of domestic cat.

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American ShorthairCorrection:Actually, there is an actual breed of cat called American Shorthair. It resembles the British Shorthair cat breed, but less stocky in build. The correct term for a mixed breed is "Domestic Shorthair/Domestic Longhair", often called "Moggy".

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OrangeGrey'Blue' (Russian Blue breed)WhiteBlackCalico (Many colors)Brown

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Tom from Tom & Jerry is a blue and white domestic shorthair.

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The ragdoll is a cat breed with blue eyes and a distinct color point coat. It is a large and muscular semi-longhair cat with a soft and silky coat. The cat breed was developed by Ann Baker.