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Q: Is there a city or town in Louisiana named Vanessa?
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Is there really a city named French Lick in Louisiana?

French Lick is a town in Orange County, Indiana.

What city in Louisiana has the same name as a town in central France?

what city in louisiana that has the same name as a town in central france?

What city in Louisiana has the smae name as a town in central france?

None of them. There's Abbeville, which is named after a town in Northern France, and of course New Orleans is named after Orléans, which is in the centre of France, but not the same name.

Is the town 'Bon Temps' from 'True Blood' a real town in Louisiana?

No, there is no actual town in Louisiana named Bon Temps.

What states that begin with L and N have a town or city named shamrock?

Well for L...... Louisiana....And for N....... hmm........North Carolina And no

Where in Australia is the city or town named letter?

There is no city or town in Australia named "Letter".

What city in Louisiana is named after an American president?

Monroe comes to mind ,but it was named for a steamer , the James Monroe, which was named for the President James Monroe , so indirectly it is named for a president.There is a town of Washington, LA, undoubtedly named for George in some way, either directly or after a man who took his name from George.

Is Anne frank named after a city or a town?

Anne Frank was not named after a city or a town. She was named after her father's grandmother, who was also named Anne.

Is there a city in Louisiana that starts with the letter U?

There are no cities in Louisiana that begin with the letter u. Urania is a town in Louisiana.

Is the town shreveport a real town?

Yes. Shreveport is a city on the Red River in northwestern Louisiana.

Is Shreveport a town in Alexandria?

No...Alexandria is a city in Louisiana. So is Shreveport

What city is Jamie Lynn raising her child?

in her home town in Louisiana