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Yes, all three refer to distinct things.

Islam, as an Established Religion, was organized and directed by Mohammed, who was born in 570 C.E. at Mecca, in Saudi Arabia. According to Islam, he received revelations from God in Mecca in from the year 610-632 C.E. He was supported by several family members like his uncle Ali Ibn Talib and his first wife Khadija to pursue these prophecies, which were eventually compiled into one unified Qur'an (the Islamic holy book). Islam is a religion that currently represents over 1.6 billion people and has several general requirements, such as the required belief and testimony that there is only one God (Shahada) and prayer to him (Salaat), that money should given to the poor (Zakaat), that a pilgrimage should be made to Mecca (Hajj), that people should reflect and fast for one month (Ramadan), and that people should rise in both spiritual and physical defense of the faith (Jihad). Most Muslims practice these general tenets along with a much more expansive Islamic Law which mandates certain benefits and punishments. Usually, these align with Western values, but in some explosive ways, they do not, resulting in numerous controversies over these legal and ethical disagreements.

Nation of Islam
Many people confuse the Nation of Islam with Islam, which is incorrect. The Nation of Islam is a specific African-American religion founded by Wallace Fard Muhammad. While Islam is not a racist religion, i.e. it does not discriminate on the basis of race, the Nation of Islam is a racist religion, holding Blacks to be a Superior Race and Whites and Jews to be Inferior Races. It makes sense that when the leadership of a religion makes openly racist statements that the religion is perceived as racist.

For example, Wallace Fard Muhammad would preach that the original humans were all black until an evil scientist Yakub created "white devil children" on the island of Patmos and proceeded to kill all Blacks until the White Devils were in power. Before Malcolm X left the Nation of Islam to become a Sunni Muslim, he said: "Thoughtful white people know they are inferior to Black people. Even [Senator] Eastland knows it. Anyone who has studied the genetic phase of biology knows that white is considered recessive and black is considered dominant." On the charges of Anti-Semitism, these come from absurd claims that the Jews were overwhelmingly responsible for African enslavement and that Hitler was a great man for murdering Jews in the Holocaust.

ISIL - ISIS - Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant), known as ad-Dawla al-Eslamiyya al-3iraaq w'ash-Shaam (الدولة الإسلامية العراق والشام) or the acronym Daa3esh (داعش) in Arabic, is an extremist Sunni Islamist organization. It is important to clarify what Islamism is. While Islam is a religion (as described above) Islamism is a political ideology whose goal is to bring the religious tenets of Islam into the daily functioning of a government and its laws. Islamism is a modern movement whose roots began contemporaneously with the rise of Salafism in the late 1800s and early 1900s in Egypt. ISIL practices a particularly violent form of Islamism called Jihadism, which not only wishes a particularly repressive version of Islamic Law to be instituted, but believes that violence in defense of the faith is the preferred way to do this. Jihadism, like Islamism, is a political ideology rooted in Islamic religious concepts, but distorted. The distortion here is that there are many ways to advocate on behalf of the faith and the choice to exclusively use violence is a misinterpretation of the doctrine.

ISIL used to have links to al-Qaeda before al-Qaeda condemned them for their barbarity. They are fighting to bring the Sunni majority into power, especially in Sunni majority regions of both Syria and Iraq, and impose a more fundamentalist view on politics. They consider themselves to be fighting the injustices and violence of the current Assad regime and the inequalities of the US-supported Government of Iraq. ISIL is primarily supported and armed by Saudi Arabia, but the US and UK have indirectly given ISIL millions of dollars and equipment since US and UK military vehicles and assets left to the Government of Iraq have fallen into ISIL hands (especially with the fall of Mosul). ISIL controls significant amounts of land in Syria and Iraq and conquered much of its Iraqi territory in June 2014.

Islam is a religion with certain tenets.
Nation of Islam is a very different religion with different tenets.
ISIL is an Islamist paramilitary group which uses political philosophies like Jihadism to undergird its reprehensible violence.

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Q: Is there a difference between Islam the Nation of Islam and ISIL?
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ISIL follows and promotes a stringent interpretation of Sunni Islam, specifically part of the Wahhabi subschool of the Hanbali school.

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What is ISIL - ISIS - Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant?ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant), known as ad-Dawla al-Eslamiyya al-3iraaq w'ash-Shaam or the acronym Daa3esh in Arabic, is an extremist Sunni Islamist organization. It is important to clarify what Islamism is. While Islam is a religion, Islamism is a political ideology whose goal is to bring the religious tenets of Islam into the daily functioning of a government and its laws. Islamism is a modern movement whose roots began contemporaneously with the rise of Salafism in the late 1800s and early 1900s in Egypt. ISIL practices a particularly violent form of Islamism called Jihadism, which not only wishes a particularly repressive version of Islamic Law to be instituted, but believes that violence in defense of the faith is the preferred way to do this. Jihadism, like Islamism, is a political ideology rooted in Islamic religious concepts, but distorted. The distortion here is that there are many ways to advocate on behalf of the faith and the choice to exclusively use violence is a misinterpretation of the doctrine.ISIL used to have links to al-Qaeda before al-Qaeda condemned them for their barbarity. They are fighting to bring the Sunni majority into power, especially in Sunni majority regions of both Syria and Iraq, and impose a more fundamentalist view on politics. They consider themselves to be fighting the injustices and violence of the current Assad regime and the inequalities of the US-supported Government of Iraq. ISIL is primarily supported and armed by Saudi Arabia, but the US and UK have indirectly given ISIL millions of dollars and equipment since US and UK military vehicles and assets left to the Government of Iraq have fallen into ISIL hands (especially with the fall of Mosul). ISIL controls significant amounts of land in Syria and Iraq and conquered much of its Iraqi territory in June 2014.What is the relationship between Sunni Islam to ISIL?ISIL is an Internationalist Sunni Islamist organization, meaning that ISIL sees itself as "the True Implementation" of Sunni Islam in the world. (Even though its reading of Sunni Islam is just one of a multitude of readings of Sunni Islam.) As a result, they feel it proper to determine laws based on Sunni Islamic Jurisprudence. For example, Sunni Islamic Jurisprudence holds that drinking and smoking is haram (forbidden). As a result, ISIL has banned alcohol and cigarettes. Another aspect of Sunni Islamic Jurisprudence is that a Non-Muslim adversary must be asked to capitulate to Islamic States before Muslims can declare war on them. It is for this reason that ISIL sent a letter to the Assyrians demanding that they capitulate to Islam before attacking Mosul and surrounding Ninewah Province (which had an Assyrian majority in certain areas).Since ISIL considers itself in alignment with Sunni principles, Sunnis are not targeted based on being Sunnis, as opposed to Non-Sunnis who are targeted for death, enslavement, conversion, or dhimmi status. However, ISIL does target any Sunni Muslims for elimination if they disagree with the actions of ISIL or provides an alternate Sunni Islamic interpretation (usually a more lenient one) to the one implemented by ISIL.What is the relationship between Shiite Islam to ISIL?ISIL as a fundamentalist Sunni group, ISIL sees the Shiite Muslims as tafkiris or apostates and treats them as the "enemies of the Muslims". ISIL attacks and detains Shiite Muslims caught in its territory. (Thankfully, there have not been many Shiites in the area that ISIL controls.) This position towards Shiites has resulted in the Republic of Iraq, which is majority Shiite, and Iran, which is also majority Shiite and ruled by Shiite clerics, aligning together to target ISIL for attacks and violence. Press TV, Iran's state news media, has responded to ISIL allegations that the Shiites are takfiri by naming ISIL as takfiri. Additionally, the Assad Regime is led by the Alawite minority which were granted "honorary Shiite status" by the Iranian Shiite Clerics. As Assad is also opposed to ISIL, it amplifies the Shiite hatred of ISIL and ISIL's hatred of Shiites.

Why is genocide happening in Iraq?

It's really quite simple. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) holds that the Qur'an requires the extermination of all people who will not convert to Islam. (Whether or not the Qur'an requires this can certainly be debated and most Muslim scholars would argue that it does not.) The Yezidi, Yarsan, Shabakis, and Assyrians will not convert to Islam, therefore, ISIL is trying to exterminate them.

How tall is Isil Sergen?

Isil Sergen is 170 cm.

When was Isil Dayioglu born?

Isil Dayioglu was born on December 22, 1963.

In what year did Intersil Corporation - ISIL - have its IPO?

Intersil Corporation (ISIL) had its IPO in 2000.

When was Isil Sergen born?

Isil Sergen was born on January 17, 1980, in Turkey.

What is the market cap for Intersil Corporation ISIL?

As of July 2014, the market cap for Intersil Corporation (ISIL) is $1,850,502,038.16.

Does ISIL like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or not?

No. ISIL sees Iran as a whole (regardless of its political or factional differences) as an enemy since it (1) is a Shiite-majority state, and (2) is actively assisting Iraq in resisting ISIL incursions.

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ISIS is a fanatic organization. It does not want to kill Christians. It wants to establish a state of its own kind of Islam. ISIS people interpret Islam in their own way. They kill even the Muslims who do not agree to their interpretations. They not only dangerous for the Christians, they are equally dangerous to the Muslims.

Will ISIL defeat the US?

No. As a purely military question, the United States could completely destroy ISIL. However, there is no political will in the US government to launch another full-on war in Iraq. Certainly, the current US practice of simply bombing ISIL targets is insufficient to defeat them. In the meantime, ISIL can cause problems for the United States, like the Boston Marathon forms of terrorism. ISIL has nothing near the power necessary to overthrow the US government.

Why are people beheading others in Syria?

ISIL is beheading those that disagree with it because they believe that the Qur'an sanctions this behavior for those who disagree with their attempt to rise to political power. ISIL endorses a 7th century understanding of Islamic Laws, called Shari'a, where decapitation is an acceptable punishment for opposing Political Manifestations of Islam. Whether or not the Qur'an and the Shari'a actually hold these verdicts is hotly debated.