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would the English Sheperd be a good farm dog?

to the first question: try a sarplaninac, its a good guard dog and where it originally came from it was used to fight wolves and bears, check it out on wikipedia.

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Q: Is there a good guard dog for chickens?
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Are Jack Russell x rat terrier cross good for guarding chickens?

Umm... depending on how you train your dog has a BIG impact on weather it can guard chickens or not. We taught mine to hunt or kill small animals such as chickens so my dog couldn't possible guard chicken without eating them. But if you train your dog to guard chickens he could guard them but there is a small possibility that it may eat the chickens since that is what it was initially bred for.

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Going to get a purebred German Shepherd Dog which is better guard dog but still nice and loyal to owners and will let your friends in house and if you fix the dog will it still be a good guard dog?

Spaying or neutering your dog tends to even out the temperament of your animal. However, fixed dogs can still act as great guard dogs. The real factor of having a good guard dog is the dog itself, and the dog's personality.

What dog is a good guard dog and kills boars?

Is your town being overrun with boars?

Do Doberman make a good guard dog?

They are the best built for intimidation.

Is there anything a person can do to stop a dog that has wolf in him from killing chickens?

There are some things you can do to discourage them from killing the chickens but it will never be safe for them to be with chickens without supervision.If you teach the dog a good recall then you will be able to call the dog away anytime it attempts to chase and kill a chicken and you could reward calm behavior (such as lying down and ignoring the chickens).But depending on the dog's prey dive they may never be able to be around chickens safely so use your judgement and keep the chickens safety in mind when trying to train him to be around them.

What are good guard dogs?

Alot of dogs are good guard dogs. Believe it or not small dogs are good guard dogs it doesn't madder the size of the dog just its love for its owner if it loves its owner it will want to guard its owner. I have some corgis they go off when people come in they bark and bark they don't hurt them they warn me. any dog is a good guard dog.just don't yell at your dog or it might turn on you. that doesn't mean the dog is bad it just means your a bad owner.

Is the Borzoi a good farm dog?

Yes cause it can guard your sheep and other animal's. So, yes it is a good dog for a farm house

What dog breeds are good guard dogs?

1st Chihuahua...studies show it is the best type of guard dog! 2nd Rottweiler 3rd German shepherd it doesn't madder what dog any dog can be a guard dog your dog just needs to want to protect you

Can you feed chickens dog food?

You can feed chickens dog food; chickens are omnivorous and eat almost anything. The only drawback to feeding dog food to chickens is that it is more expensive than feeding them grain and other purely vegetarian type food.

Do Boxer dogs make good guard dogs?

Well if you get a puppy you can train the puppy to be a good guard dog. Most boxers are not timid but it depends on the environment they grew up in.

What is the useful life of a guard dog?

If it is a guard dog it guards property, that is useful.