

Is there a jellyfish gene in a tomato?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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Q: Is there a jellyfish gene in a tomato?
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What kind of organism is a corn plant with a jellyfish gene that allows it to glow in the dark?

It is a transgenic organism. The jellyfish gene enables it to do something that corn plants do not normally do, due to the foreign gene (jellyfish gene) being spliced into it.

What is the process of inserting this gene into dna of a tomato plant is known as?

The process of inserting this gene into dna of a tomato plant is known as genetic modification.

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How do jellyfish produce light?

Certain organisms (including certain species' of jellyfish) have a specific code of DNA that when transcripted and read, produces a protein that causes bioluminescence. This gene can also be used by genetic engineers to check if a specific gene has been uptaken, as this gene can work in any organism

Where do fish get there glow?

Glofish are really Zebra Danios that have had a jellyfish gene added artificially to make them glow.

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vaccine production,insulin production,gene therapy ,seedless grapes and flavour tomato

When a fish gene is put into a tomato plant to stop the tomato plant dying in the frost can a vegetarian or vegan then eat the tomatoes?

This depends on if the vegan is against gene-modification. Very little vegans care about which genes are in what we eat, focus usually lies in if someone will suffer or die in order for a person to eat and if this is acceptable.

Do glo fish eat shrimp?

Glow fish are Zebra Danios that have had a jellyfish gene added to them to make them glow. They will eat Brine Shrimp avidly.

Can glo fish live with tetrras?

Glo fish are Zebra Danios that have been injected with a jellyfish gene to make them glow. They can mix with most Tetras OK.

What would happen if you cut both the jellyfish glo gene and puc18 plasmid with the ecor1 restriction enzyme?

If there is a EcoR1 site in either the middle of the Glo gene, or in the middle of the selectable marker site in the plasmid, it would likely disable either Glo, or the plasmid.

Where do the jellyfish live in SpongeBob?

The jellyfish live in jellyfish fields.

Is the box jellyfish a true jellyfish?

Yes, the box jellyfish IS a true jellyfish.