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There is a possibility yes, especially if your period doesn't arrive. However, brown discharge can de a indication of a UTI and not only pregnancy.

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Q: Is there a possible chance of pregnancy with brown discharge a week before period along with the feeling of being bloated and mood swings?
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Is feeling bloated and soreness a sign of pregnancy?

Yes. Feeling bloated and having minor pains is a sign of pregnancy. It usually occurs the second month along with morning sickness.

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Oh but of course!

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No. You can have coilitis and be going through perimenopause (hormonal changes) like myself.

Can feeling bloated and constipated be a sign of pregnancy?

If you have missed a period it is possible, but it is also a symptom of so many things that this would not be the first thing I would think of.

Is it possible to get pregnant on the last day of your period then experience pregnancy symptoms such as feeling sick and bloated and having headaches and cramps?

Yes it is possible that is how my oldest child got here. It doesnt happen often though. These could be pregnancy stimtoms I recommed that you see a doctor.

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Burning breasts and bloating feeling?

Possibly. More so the burning NIPPLES than the bloated fealing. Take a pregnancy test.

Ive been feeling sick and dizzy late at night and in the mornings and bloated does it mean im pregnant?

You could be. Take a pregnancy test

What are some other possible pregnancy symptoms after stopping the pill other than a missed period?

Pregnancy symptoms apart from a missed period are: Tiredness Excessive Urination Blood like discharge or spotting Tummy cramps Vaginal discharge Headaches Feeling of being unwell Tender or swollen breasts Tender or swollen nipples Darkening of the aerola The pill can give you pregnancy symptoms after you've recently stopped taking it.

Can you be pregnant if you are sleepy and feeling bloated?

Yes,but there are also many other reasons to feel sleepy and bloated.

Does feeling bloated decrease in pregnancy?

Everyone is different when it comes to symptoms, bloating included. For me, I was bloated pretty much all of my first trimester, but around 15-16 weeks it started to get better. Depending on the person, their diet, and lifestyle, they might start to feel relief sooner or later than I did.