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nah! Yes, it involves the burning of fern-leaf, the sprinkling of water, & the calling of air.

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Q: Is there a spell to make it rain?
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When does rain tend to make roadways the slickest?

When it's the first rain after a dry spell.

How do you spell precpitation?

Precipitation, as in rain.

A long dry spell with no rain?


How do you spell rain in apachae jicarilla?

This is English spelling.

How do you spell a dark cloud?

cumulanimbus: rain cloud.

How much rain dose a rain forest gets in a year from Jan to December?

5. 5 whole rains. First you have to spell *does* correctly otherwise everything you ask doesn't make any sense.

What is dry spell and wet spell related to rain?

If it doesn't rain for several days (or even weeks), it's called a dry spell.If it rains for a period of several days, it is a wet spell.A "spell" here is simply an unspecified period of time, not a witch's "spell".

How do you spell rain in french?

If you want to say it is raining, it is "Il pleut". If you want to say rain then it is pluie.

How do you spell rain coat?

The term is one word "raincoat."

How do you spell prcipatation?

The correct spelling is "precipitation" (rain or snow).

How do you cast weather spells?

That would depend on exactly what you want, a rain spell is different than a sunny spell.

How do you break a storm spell?

Here's a simple way to make a storm or rain go away, just modify it to suit your needs. Remember your belief and conviction/will will be the ultimate influence on the spell. Stare at the dark sky and hear small storms sounding, then start chanting with closed eyes: -God and Goddess of rain, STOP THE STORMS, STOP THE WIND, STOP THE RAIN. -I don't need any rain today, I don't need rain to distract me today, RAIN STOP DISTRACTING ME, GO AWAY. -STOP THE STORMS, WIND AND THE RAIN! (Repeat it 3 or 4 times) -Rain come not! So let it be! AMEN!