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I have never heard of a product like this - most veterinarians will tell clients with orphaned litters of kittens to settle in for hand nursing and bottle nursing the kittens individually. It is an interesting concept though, so if you are interested in developing one I suggest going for it - it would be a major help to rescue organizations and shelter groups.

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Q: Is there a stuffed animal with nipples to nurse a litter of kittens?
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Related questions

Do hamsters have nipples?

The same as a cat that has never had a litter of kittens, only much smaller. The color depends on the color of the fur.

What is the collective noun for kittens?

The collective noun for kittens and puppies is a litter of kittens and a litter of puppies.

How many kittens are in a litter?

The number of kittens in a litter varies from cat to cat and even from litter to litter. It is most common for cats to have three to six kittens per litter.

A cat having a litter of kittens is an example of what?

litter of kittens called

What is a group of newborn kittens called?

they are babies so they are kittens

How much nipples does a male cat have?

Usually the queen will have about 6 nipples ready when she has her kittens. 4 to 6 kittens are the average litter. Momma cats are for the most part very good mothers. Make sure she has plenty of food, preferably the kitten formula for the protein and vitamins needed for the kittens. Whatever food is left after the kittens are weaned can be used by the kittens. Good luck,

How much is there in an litter?

more than one baby animal. (For example, if 4 puppies or 5 kittens are born at the same time, they are called a litter.)

How many kittens can a cat have?

A cat can have as many as ten kittens, or as few as one or two, but the only thing that matters is how many she can nurse. The average number of nipples on a cat is eight, but some cats have only six nipples. Also she may not be able to produce enough milk for a large litter.

Is it possible for a cat to have eighteen kittens in one litter?

No, it is not. A litter consists of up to 2-5 kittens.

What animal has the most nipples?

A north American opossum can have up 13 nipples/teats because that number reflects the amount a species can have in a litter. The opossum can have up to 13 offspring at once.

What is a group of kitttens?

It is a litter of kittens.

What is the collective nouns for group of kittens?

The collective nouns for kittens are:a kendle of kittensa kindle of kittensan intrigue of kittensa litter of kittens (if they were born together)