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Wounded might be a good term for a housefly that has no wings but is still alive.

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Q: Is there a technical term for a housefly that has no wings but is still alive?
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How many times does a housefly beats its wings per second?

a housefly beats its wings around 200 times per second

How many wings do housefly have?

2 or 4

If a housefly beats its wings 190 times a second then how many times do it beat its wings a minute?

190 * 60 = 1140, so a housefly must beat its wings 1140 times a minute.

What are the characteristics of a housefly?

wings 6 legs antannae

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What is the locomotion of housefly?

A house fly moves by flying. The wings of a house fly can beat about 200 times in one second.

What are the characterstics of housefly?

The common housefly is smaller than a dime, it has 2 wings and if veiwed through a microscope it has little prickly hairs all over it, they are nasty and they will get on your food and contaminate your food. So try to kill them asap and keep your food covered.

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Grasshoppers and Houseflies have wings and the Centipedes and Millipedes do not.

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Zonosemataflies with housefly wings are attacked less frequently.

Does a housefly only has one pair of wings?

houseflies have only one pair of Insect_wing; the hind pair is reduced to small Halteresthat aid in flight stability.

What results from the Zonosemata experiment support the sub-hypothesis that wing waving alone reduces predation by jumping spiders?

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