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Depends on the queen. Mine let me touch them the second they were born. She insisted on me helping her and handleing her kittens.

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Q: Is there a time limit if you can touch or hold newborn kittens?
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Can you hold newborn kittens when their eyes are shut?

Yes you can, but it depends if the mom cat trusts you enough to let you hold her babies at that young age.

How big is a newborn kitten?

usually about the size of your hand (not including your fingers)

Can cats hold in there babies?

Yes, they bite the kittens neck, cats have no sense of touch on the back of their necks

What happens to newborn kittens if they are abandoned by their mother?

When kittens are old enough to leave their mother or pass away, the mother cat will cry and mourn her loss. The mother cat will cry for her baby for approximately one week.

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What will the mother do if you hold her kittens?

She will eat you.

How do you hold a newborn?

from my experience holding my newborn niece you need to support their head and feet

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when you feel like it.

Can you touch new born puppies without the mother rejecting them?

I touched my new born kittens as soon as Midnight had cleaned them up. My cat trusts me, so no problem holding her kittens, but I still held them where she could see me and petted her too and let her know I was going to lay it right back down with her. I didn't hold them but a minute or so, just long enough to let them know humans where ok too! Then every day I would hold each one for a short period and pet and talk to them.

When could you give away baby kittens?

Let the mother cat look after the kittens for a few days. Just keep an eye on them and make sure she's feeding them, grooming them and caring for them. After a few days, maybe eight days, since they should open their eyes after eight days, only you should touch them. Limit the amount of visitors and make sure the cat and her kittens are somewhere quiet, where they won't be disturbed. Don't touch the kittens much and make sure they only look at their mother as their mother. If the kittens start following you or mewling for you, don't go near them for a while. Once the kittens are wandering about on their own, they should be okay to be properly handled.

Can you hold on a newborn child while your menstruation is down?

of course

What is the best way to tame newborn kittens if the mother is a shy stray cat?

What I would do was just start feeding them, and make sure they see you feeding them and they will just slowly graduate to letting you get closer to them. Then what i would do was get some cat treats and hold it out to them, soon they will realize you will not hurt them.