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I usually just call it "in need of serious help."

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Q: Is there a word for when your sexually attracted to reptiles?
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How do you tell if a guy is sexually attracted to you-?

You can tell if a guy is sexually attracted to you by how he treats you. If he is always trying to touch to you and get close, he may be sexually attracted to you.

How do reptiles reproduce sexually or asexually?

reptiles reproduce sexually by laying eggs. glad i culd helppp! :)

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This is not an English word. Perhaps you heard the word HETEROSEXUAL, which means someone who is sexually attracted to the opposite gender.

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The likely word is "pedophile" - an adult who is attracted sexually to minors. (Most uses of the term are inaccurate because it has become so ubiquitous.)

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If you are girl who is not [sexually] attracted to guys, but you are [sexually] attracted to girls, then you're a lesbian.

Do turtles reproduce sexually or asexually?

All reptiles reproduce sexually. They then lay eggs that hatch into young reptiles like turtles.

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It is not a sin to be sexually attracted to Archangel Michael. A person cannot help who they are attracted too.

How do you spell elesbiane?

The word for a woman attracted sexually to other women is a "lesbian" (gay female).

If you are emotionally and sexually attracted to girls what does it mean to be sexually attracted to guys also?

It means you could be bisexual.

You like checking out girls does that make you a lesbian?

If you are sexually attracted to the girls you like checking out, but you are not sexually attracted (or attracted in general) to guys, then yes, you are a lesbian.

What makes a woman a lesbian?

A woman who is not sexually/physically attracted to men, but is sexually/physically attracted to women, is a lesbian.

What do you mean by the word phedophile?

Adults, usually men, who are sexually attracted to children, both boys and girls.