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Nope, there are no such things as a batch file that can run in stealth mode. A batch file is too simple to go as far as that.

If you are trying to do this, I would recommend you legally learn about hacking. If that feature is enabled, you can run a whole lot of nasty stuff in there without the user knowing what is happening.

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Q: Is there any command to run a batch file in background?
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How do you make a batch file wait?

Use the 'pause' command. The pause command will make a "press any key to continue..." message. If you don't want this to show up, use "pause >nul". This will make the batch file wait without the pause message.

How do you send commands to a command-line EXE program from a batch?

Just put the commands in your batch file. When someone runs the program, it will execute the commands it comes across line-by-line. - Example Batch Script: This script will run an application EXE file with command line parameters. This will use the shutdown.exe file that comes with windows. It shuts down the computer in 60 seconds. @shutdown -s -t 60 - You could also use the START command. For any command or exe file that runs from the command line, you could open a command prompt and type the name of the file followed by /? to find out what you can use as command parameters. Example: START /?

How does batch file work?

batch files are used to make long tasks shorter. for example, If I wanted to change the file extension of every file in the folder EXAMPLEFOLDER from .txt to .doc, I could make a batch file that did that instantly, rather than going into the properties of every file and changing the extension manually

How do you add any file in to startup list with batch file?

You'll need to use the copy command and copy files you want to add in startup into the statup folder via the batch file, but you need to list the file(s) you want to copy and map the location of the startup folder depending on your computer type.

How do you copy and paste using a batch file?

a batch file is used to automate the running of commands at a command prompt using the program or cmd.exe. There are not any default available commands that will copy to or from the clipboard. You must use a 3rd party executable and pipe (|) the results to and from it.

Is there any batch file editor to create batch file without learning syntax?

You can't download a program that makes a batch file to do what you want to do. You will need to legally learn about hacking, and then write the file yourself.

How can you run a file on startup using CMD?

Make a batch file. Open up notepad, type in the commands just like you would if you had a C:\prompt and choose "save as." When you save it, remove the .txt extension & use .bat instead. Batch files can be executed just like an .exe, any commands in the batch file are put to a command prompt & executed. So just put the batch file (or a shortcut to it) in programs/startup in your start menu & youre done!

How do you copy batch file itself on any location?

Here's the code: @echo off copy "Location of Batch File" "Location to copy file into" exit

Metacharacter indicates background command execution?

The ampersand (&) puts any command in the background to start execution.

How do you add comments in batch files?

Anytime you wish to create any type of remark in a batch file rem must be added in front of the line. Remarks are often used to skip a line in the batch file or make comments.

How do you play beep sound in bat file?

Search any beep audio file in the computer and just give the path of that file in batch file.

How do I add time delay in a batch file?

You can use the TIMEOUT command, which paralyzes the batch file from running further commands until the timer runs out or if the user presses a key. Here's an example: @echo off Commands here TIMEOUT 10 Commands here exit The file will run whatever command you want it to run, then it will halt all running commands until 10 seconds passed, or if the user pressed a key before the timer runs out. Then, it will run any other commands you want to do after the delay, and then exit out.