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Yes, you can substitute lard or shortening for butter or vegetable oil in cookies, as long as you realize the resulting cookies will not have a buttery taste. Crisco has a butter flavored shortening that works and tastes quite well, although you might consider the health risks of the partially hydrogenated oils in any shortening. Lard is a fine substitute, with good flavor results. You can also replace the butter flavor with additional vanilla or other flavor extracts.

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Q: Is there any substitiution for butter or vegetable oil in cookies?
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What are pressed butter cookies?

Pressed butter cookies are typically known as spritz cookies, and they are absolutely delicious. To make them, you will need a good cookie press with attachments that you press the cookie dough through. Spritz cookies will make a wonderful addition to any cookie platter.

Can you use plain yogurt as a substitute for vegetable oil in blueberry muffins?

I personally use yogurt in place of butter in banana bread and oatmeal cookies, any cookies actually. I have never tried muffins but assume it works about the same. For cookies it turns out very light and they puff up better, for bread it helps keep it moist and tastes great.

How do you make tin cookies?

The term "tin cookies" can refer to any cookie that can be successfully stored in a tin (box) for an extended time. Many different sorts of shortbread or butter cookies can be used as "tin cookies."

Do you need fat to make bread?

butter, margarine, olive oil, any vegetable oil

What is the function of butter in cookies?

any bakery item with animal fat in it tastes freaking delicious. It also makes the cookies softer instead of rock hard. There are two effects of butter in cookies. Butter adds flavor to the cookies, and also helps to bind the keeps them most and helps turn them goldern brown or black if over cooked

Name any five sources of fat?

butter. gram. cod liver. vegetable oil. ghee

Can you use vegetable oil instead of butter in making apple crisp?

Butter is basically a healtier vesion of vegetable oil. Apple crisps are usually fried and topped with powered sugar. When frying the apple crisps, you can use any type of oil you wish to use.

Can you use butter instead of shortening?

I wouldn't because shortening is made of butter and water, so i would use milk. I tried this in my cookies and they turned out not too oily and not too sweet. If you are high on sugar and want to use it, then go for it! ANSWER: Shortening is a semi-solid fat (such as Crisco) that can be made of animal or vegetable derivation. It tends to give a softer finish to baked goods than butter does, and can usually be substituted in any recipe. I would not recommend using it for shortbread, however. Butter is best for that.

What peanut butter brands do not have hydrogenated vegetable oil?

Any brand that claims to be "natural". Such as Skippy Natural, Jiff Natural...ect. My favorite is stuff that comes from the Peanut Butter Co.

Can you bake a cake with vegetable spread?

You can but you'll need to reduce the quantity of any liquid added, since vegetable spread is higher in liquid than butter. Otherwise your batter will be too sloppy.

Can Can't Believe It's Not Butter be substituted for butter in cookie recipes?

The "Can't Believe It's Not Butter" website says that you can use any of their products that contain at least 60% fat in baking recipes, which would include cookies. But the site does not specify which of their products (tubs or sticks) contain 60% fat, so you will need to read the product label carefully.

Can olive oil replace butter in cookies and biscotti?

No, and for two reasons. Oil, any kind, will make your cookies lose their shape and they will spread all over the cookie sheet, and secondly, olive oil while it taste good would not taste good in cookies.