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You sound very confused right now and at 15 I can see why. It takes practice to get use to asking girls out. Unless this girl is 17 or more there is every reason you will stand a chance of going out with her. I know lots of young people that date over-weight people, or pleasant looking people that aren't one of the "beautiful people." You need more confidence and the only way you can get it is to put both feet in the water and go over and ask her out on a date. If she is 17 years or older then your chances are slim because she has to maintained the all time "cool" at high school and with her peers. Don't let any rejection (we all go through it) throw you off balance as far as asking girls out on a date. Good luck Marcy No... she's a year younger than me Now take a deep breath and ask her out! Good luck Merry Christmas Marcy I CAN'T DO IT!!!!! I'm too nervous she's popular I'm unpopular I just can't do it I need really serious help getting her on my side........ :(

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Q: Is there anything a 15-year-old boy can do about a girl he likes if there is no way in heck he is going to date her?
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