

Is there microchipping in Obama's health care plan?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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No, this is a very common internet myth, which was originally suggested by opponents of the bill, in an effort to scare people into not wanting it to pass. But the Affordable Care Act says nothing about microchips or implanting citizens with devices to track them. Proponents did hope medical records would be updated and computerized, but the bill does not mandate that human beings be given any sort of computerized devices. I enclose a link to the bill, so you can read it for yourself.

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Q: Is there microchipping in Obama's health care plan?
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It is very easy to get a copy. The bill is online in its entirety, and I will post the link for you.

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Nowhere. This is an internet myth and there is no truth to it. Since the health care law is now online, please read it for yourself and you will see that there is no such thing in the law. (What there was, and what was widely misinterpreted, was a plan to put health records into electronic form, rather than the reliance on paper files and records.) There was not anything about microchips, contrary to assertions from various talk show hosts and conspiracy theorists, and contrary to false or distorted quotes often used to "prove" the existence of microchipping. In addition to a link to the healthcare law, I enclose a link to, which very thoroughly debunked the various false claims.

How do you get a copy of Obamas health care plan the HR3200 you would like to read it?

I would like to read it in it entirely. From beginning to end. I would like to have a copy mailed to me. Please!

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2013 or 2014. The worst part of the health care bill will not be implemented after the 2012 election. Most people will not even know the worst parts of the bill until they have cast their second vote for him.

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How do you get a copy of Obamas health care plan HR3200?

The Affordable Care Act is now on line and you should be able to read it, along with explanations of what it can (and cannot) do, by following the link below. Congress passed the law and it was upheld by the Supreme Court.

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What is the difference between health care and health insurance?

Health care is the care provided to you by doctors, clinicians, hospitals, etc. Health insurance is a method of paying for that health care. An insurance carrier develops a health insurance plan that covers certain costs incurred by a patient on that plan. The patient is called a plan member. The plan member is charged a monthly premium for that plan.

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An "enrollee" is the person who signed up for a health plan and is covered by the plan's benefits.

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The benefits that are available in the NALC health benefit plan include the following. Preventive care, inpatient and outpatient hospital care, chiropractic care, physician care and a prescription drugs plan.

What is univerisal health care?

Universal health care is when health care is provided by the Federal Government. Everyone is covered, but not necissarily with a good plan.