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Well, you could take your dog to a Veterinarian who is a dermatologist. Or you could try to figure it out yourself and treat it. First make sure you dog is flea free. Fleas actually spend very little time on the dog, they tend to jump on and bite the dog where they inject their flea saliva which a lot of dogs are very allergic to, then jump off. I would recommend using a once a month flea preventative such as Frontline or Advantix. You just put it on topically (on top of the skin) once a month year around, keeps the fleas and ticks off and stays on through baths or rain. Next thing is to check out your dog's diet. Make sure you are feeding your pet a good name dog food such as Innova or Natural Choice. Read the first 3 ingredients on your dog food, become an avid dog food label reader. You want to see things like Chicken meal or Turkey or Lamb Meal. NOT chicken or lamb or anything BY PRODUCTS, never want to see that word By products on the dog food label. That means they used the worst part of the animal, such as hooves, horns, beaks, etc to make the dog food. If it says meal then they used the best part of the animal for the dog food. You also do not wish to see any wheat or corn or soy products in the food. I personally like Innova. Science Diet does produce a prescription diet dog food made for dogs with severe food Allergies, but you can only get it through your Veterinarian and it is very expensive. So those are the basics, fleas and food are the number one allergy causers. Give your dog a good bath once a month with a good allergy type shampoo. You also need to take your pet into your Veterinarian to get your pet started. Have your Vet do a good check up and they may want to give your pet some cortisone to reduce the inflammation and some antibiotics to prevent secondary skin infections, so it is important to take your pet into see your Vet first.

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