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Q: Is there something that can make you purposely forget something?
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How can you make someone forget something you did?

Distract them or make them so happy

What is the meaning of obfuscate?

Obfuscate is when you purposely obscure, hinder or make something hard to understand. It is also when you attempt to bewilder.

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If you text something mean (out of nowhere, not a response) to purposely hurt someone and make them feel bad, it's cyber bullying.

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to purposely ruin something ex. if you are in dance class and you hate a girl there you would put water on the floor to make her slip.

What is the best way to forget something?

don't think about it think about something else like i dunno to forget that you have to get up in the morning and go to school or work you think of something exciting. just think the complete opposite of what you want to forget

What color does a remembrall turn when you forget something?

the colour of the remembrall when you forget something is Red

How do you make someone for get something?

You can't make anyone do anything - even hypnotising people requires them to be willing. If you've done something bad you want someone to forget about, you should just talk to them about it. If you clear everything up chances are they'll forget about it soon.

What if your boyfriend wont forget your mistakes?

make him forget! get on something realllyyy sexy (wear see-through) and act sexyy do the acts and nothing will come between you and him:)

How do you make someone forget a something you told them painless?

dont mention what you said for a while and they wont remember at all also change the topic when talking that way they forget

What causes us to forget?

there are many ways in which will make us forget things example: 1.doing something in a hurry 2.when you are suffering from amnesia(loss of memory)

What to do when you told on someone you like and they won't talk to you?

Well since being a "taddle-tail" then do something to make it up to them (he or she). I suppose get them something that means a lot to me and will make them forget about the entire thing.

What to do when you ask a guy for forgiveness and he will not talk to you?

I would talk about something that he enjoys and make him forget the whole thing it worked for me