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If you text something mean (out of nowhere, not a response) to purposely hurt someone and make them feel bad, it's cyber bullying.

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Q: Is texting something mean cyber bullying?
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How can you use a mobile phone for bullying?

You can texting mean messages to people which is cyber bullying.

What does cyber-bulling mean?

Cyber-Bullying is when someone/people bully someone/people by using the internet, texting, calling, or any thing that you can communicate through.

Is texting considered cyberbullying?

yes. texting is and can be cyber bullying because alot of people in the world get harrasment in a text message. when people do is because they want to be cool or just want to do it for fun but it is not funny when it becomes cyber bullying.when people do that because they had been bully to when they was younger or its because they been going threw a family crices and they just want to take thier anger out of someone else who is probably younger or smaller them the cyber bullyers. this is why cyber bullying is a mean thing to do and not funny. if your reading this be a better person and stick up for someone and tell an adult if someone else is being cyber bullying. BY. MARAGELIQUE GONZALEZ MAY 31,2013

What does cyberabuse mean?

Basically its Cyber-bullying but in an Abusive way

What does outing mean in cyber bullying?

Telling someones secret .

What types of bulling is there?

If you meant bullying then verbal(Ex. mean words, cyber bullying??) and physical(ex. punching, kicking)

What can Cyberbullying look like?

cyber bullying looks like this, a bully sitting at a desk on the internet, suddenly they find a person, who seems like someone they could fool, they act like someone else, and start messing with their mind, later on they put mean things about them on the web, after letting out info., someone can be completely exploited to the web.

What are the main types of bullying?

Cyber bullying verbal bullying physical bullying or verbal physical and gang bullying gang bullying is a group bullying a single person all together therefore gang (grouped up) bullying hurts and scars even more

What is the new type of bullying?

You're probably thinking of cyber bullying. Saying mean things to and about someone on chats, blogs, texts and so on.

What does anti-bullying mean?

Something that strongly discourages bullying, eg. an anti-bullying seminar.

What does active bullying mean?

To me it means that if you activly do it its like physical bullying but all bullying is the same no matter if its Cyber,Physical,Mental,or Active. All the same because you are still hurting someone thats my opinion.

What does cyber bullying mean?

Cyberbullying means bullying of threats, insults, images or similar made over the internet by social websites, chatrooms, e-mails, or on mobile phones, ipads, texts or similar means.Bullying, but by electronic media.cyber-bullying is when you are bullying someone over the internet